His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 109


Today’s Text: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
(Exodus 20:16)

Today’s Thoughts: Some translations of the Bible word this commandment: “Thou shalt not lie.” Whichever way you want to word it, it simply tells us that God wants us to be honest in all we say. Titus 1:2 tells us that God cannot lie. According to 1 Peter 2:21, we are to follow in Christ’s steps. For one, let me say that I’m so glad that my God cannot and will not lie. Imagine if we couldn’t take Him at His word?! Imagine if we couldn’t trust Him fully?! God is totally trustworthy. He wants us to be trustworthy as well. He wants to know that we will do all that we say. And He wants to know that we will speak only the truth. Let us only speak what is pure.

Today’s Testimony: Have you ever heard someone say something negative about someone else and then “justify” it by saying, “I’m being honest.” There is a time to be honest and there is also a time to hold back what you feel like saying knowing that it is downing someone else. Never ever gossip about others – you may be sharing the truth, but is your conversation pleasing God? God loves each person that we want to speak negatively about. The truth is that that person is valuable; therefore, if we want to decrease that person’s value we are not speaking honestly at all. We all have our faults. No one likes to be the subject of a gossip session. The Lord wants us to speak encouraging words to and about each other; not break others down.
There are so many testimonies that I could share of how the Lord intervened for me when I was under attack, but I cannot share them because it would break down those who were attacking. The testimonies that wouldn’t make sense by being too vague if I didn’t share details about those tearing me down, I cannot share. These are testimonies that only the Lord and I can share, at least at this stage. Yes if they were shared they would glorify God, and they are true, but sharing would bring negative thoughts about those who were meaning well, but breaking down. My point – only speak what is truthful if it will have a positive result and no negative one.
I once wrote a test and got a really poor mark for it. I then noticed that one of my wrong answers had been over-looked. I then went to my teacher and told her. My mark was dropped even lower, but I had a clean conscience. It is definitely not always easy to be honest, but God requires it of us and the clear conscience is far better than the guilt.
As Christians we need to live as Christ’s followers and not live a lie. On another note it may not always be easy, but we must never be ashamed of our God no matter what the cost of following Him. God will be with His faithful people and will carry them through mild and great persecution. Even if we are tortured till death Christ will still be with us every step of the way. Satan will try everything to get us to bring shame to our God and to get us to forsake Him. Our reward is in heaven; we must be bold Christians who will not shy away from the truth – that we have found a God that it is worth dying for. Christ died for us – let us be bold in following Him and not lie that we are not His people, no matter what the cost.
One benefit of only being truthful is a clear conscience. Sometimes being truthful will bring peace and joy; other times it will bring suffering and sorrow, but God will give us strength to bear it all. God will bless those who are truthful. Some will receive their rewards now; others will receive them in heaven. God wants us to be honest in all we say. Let’s ask Him for the strength to obey His command.

Today’s Task: Be honest in all you say. Ask the Lord for the strength to do so. Encourage others and build them up; don’t tear them down. Be willing to speak the truth at all costs. Ask the Lord to help you discern when to be open and honest and when to refrain from sharing. Thank the Lord that His promises are true. Our God cannot lie – praise Him.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I praise You that You are honest with us. I thank You that Your promises are all true. I thank You that You will always do what’s best for us. Please help us to always speak the truth, but only when You would have us do so. Help us to be faithful examples of who You are. Help us to be unashamed Christians. Help us to follow You till death. Lord we love You. Amen.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 108


Today’s Text: Thou shalt not steal. (Exodus 20:15)

Today’s Thoughts: God has blessed us with everything we need. If there is ever anything that we don’t have but do need, God is able to provide – we just need to trust Him. If there are still things we want, but do not need, we need to learn to be content. There is never a reason to steal. Stealing is taking something that belongs to somebody else. We may think it would not affect that person at all, but God wants us to be totally honest in all we do.

Today’s Testimony: Let me start by sharing something that I found very interesting. According to Leviticus 6:1-7, the consequence for theft was that one had to restore what was taken and add another fifth to it. In Exodus 22:4 we read that the consequence for being found with the theft alive (when an animal was taken) was that one had to restore double. In Exodus 22:1 we read that if one stole an animal and killed it or sold it a sheep would have to be restored four times and an ox would have to be restored five times. Do you have any idea why the consequences were different under different circumstances? Think about it… one is probably an object, one a sheep and the other a cow. Could it be due to the mind’s corruption level? If your mind is evil enough to steal a whole cow, which you can easily get caught with, and then kill the cow that doesn’t belong to you – how corrupt is your mind? That means you had the desire to steal; that desire was strong enough to take something as huge as a cow with a high risk of getting caught; and then you still killed that cow that belonged to someone else. God doesn’t want us to sin full stop. But it must sadden Him so much to see how great our desire to sin can be sometimes. When He sees the risk we are willing to take in order to satisfy that desire to sin it must break His heart. He wants us to be blameless and honest. He doesn’t want us to deceive others and take what is theirs. He wants us to trust Him to provide all that we need and He wants us to learn to be content with what we have.
So what have you stolen lately? Have you stolen respect, affection or anything else that was due to someone else? Have you stolen any of those things from the Lord? The Lord wants to be first in your life – have you stolen His position and given it to yourself, someone else or something else? The Lord wants to be your only God – have you stolen that position and distributed it elsewhere? The Lord wants you to reverence His name – have you stolen that respect from Him? The Lord wants to spend one full day with you each week – have you stolen that day for yourself? The Lord wants you to respect His people – have you stolen that respect from others? The Lord wants you to love His people – have you stolen that love from others? The Lord wants you to keep yourself pure – have you stolen that purity? The Lord wants you to be totally honest in all you do – have you stolen that honesty? The Lord wants you to be totally honest in all you say – have you stolen that honesty? The Lord wants you to be content – have you stolen that contentment from yourself? Is there anything that you have taken away from God, yourself or others that rightfully belongs to the one you stole it from? Be honest with yourself. Be honest in all you do.
Quite a while ago (Today’s T’s Day 34) I spoke to you about returning tithe to the Lord. In Malachi 3:8 God says that if we don’t return ten-percent of what He blesses us with we are actually robbing God. That too is quite a thought. I encourage you to not steal God’s money – He only asked for one-tenth.
The greatest benefit of keeping this commandment is a clear conscience. You will also find that you are a lot happier. God knew that keeping this commandment would spare us a lot of guilt and sorrow and that’s why He gave it. Try it. Take God at His word. He blesses those who trust Him.

Today’s Task: Do not steal anything from anyone. Live an honest life in all you do. Never ever allow your mind’s corruption level to increase – ask the Lord to help you clear your mind of all evil thoughts and intensions. Keep your conscience pure. Whatever you do – do not steal your opportunity to spend eternity with the Lord from yourself. Make sure that you are living totally within the Lord’s will.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I thank You that You care about us so much. Help us to give to You, ourselves and others whatever is due. Help us to never take away what belongs to others. Lord I thank You that You always provide for our needs. Please help us to be content with what we have. Please help us to have pure and honest minds that only do what is pure and honest. I thank You that You are merciful to us. We love You Lord. Amen.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 107


Today’s Text: Thou shalt not commit adultery. (Exodus 20:14)

Today’s Thoughts: God wants the best for us. He intended for one man to marry one wife and remain together for the rest of their lives. He wanted them to grow in their love toward each other, but sadly, today we see so many discontent couples. Some stick together in spite of the loss of love and affection, but most people today rather choose to end their union. Even worse, some individuals start looking elsewhere instead of trying to patch up the brokenness. God blesses the union of marriage. Let us remain pure and happy in all our relationships.

Today’s Testimony: God wants us all to be pure. Firstly let me speak to those who are not married. He wants us to reserve ourselves for only one person. This includes emotionally – He desires for us to wait for His leading instead of dating without further intensions. Some say, “But how am I supposed to know if he or she is the one if we don’t date?” To that I’d like to say that for starters: pray about it. If you know you would never marry each other, it is in your best interest not to waste your emotions. Be friends first. The one you spend the rest of your life with must be your best friend. If you are not best friends – don’t date. If you are not best friends then what ever you do – don’t marry. The one you marry should be the one you can be “naked and unashamed” with – this is the term I use to refer to being able to be totally open and honest with each other, even about your bad side, and know that you are both still safe and loved. So now you want to know what this has to do with committing adultery. Let me explain it this way…. Do you believe in having only one spouse? That means that you believe that God has that someone special for you somewhere. So if God has a prince or princess that He is preparing especially for you – could we describe it as you already belong to that person in a sense. Now for you to waste your emotions or more on someone before your spouse is stealing affection due only to him or her. Does that make sense? Imagine you meet that prince or princess and he/she has kept himself/herself totally pure for you and you haven’t done the same. Do you think maybe you’d wish you had the same to offer? Every time you get emotionally bonded to someone you leave a piece of yourself behind when you leave. I encourage you to save yourself for the one God leads to. If you have already not kept yourself fully, from now on, I encourage you to keep yourself pure so you can offer your prince or princess as much as possible. You won’t regret it.
Now a message for those who are married…. In an article in one of my exam papers a while ago I read a statement that basically said that the problems that arise in marriages in not due to conflict, but to a loss of love and affection. Think about it, if you focused on nurturing the love you share or on restoring the love you once had, that love and care for each other will hold you together no matter what conflicts you may face. God wants us to be happy and content in our relationships.
Now a message for both the married and unmarried…. As with the sixth commandment, Christ also took the seventh commandment a few steps further (Matthew 5:27-32). He said that if a man looks at a woman to lust after her, he has already committed adultery in his heart. That applies to both married and unmarried and the same goes for a woman thinking lustfully about a man. God wants our hearts, minds and bodies to be pure. He gave us guidelines to keep us happy in our relationships. He doesn’t want us to waste any affections due only to our present or future spouses. He knows the greater joy that can only be found in waiting and staying. Christ also said that those who are divorced should not marry again unless they divorced due to unfaithfulness (the innocent one would be free). This is an extremely controversial subject which I am not going to delve into, but you may read for yourself what Christ had to say in Matthew 19:3-9 (see also Deuteronomy 24:1-4).
Finally I have to mention that God must be our First Love. We must love God above all others and then allow Him to allocate our love where He will have it. Never begin a relationship without the Lord’s guidance. If you are in one that you know He is not pleased with – get out. If you are married or in a relationship under God’s guidance – work on nurturing your love for each other. If that love is lost or maybe never even existed – work on restoring your love for each other or on developing a love for each other. God wants us to be happy. The benefits of keeping this commandment are a pure heart, mind and body and true happiness. Aim for purity.

Today’s Task: Love yourself and your present or future prince or princess enough to keep yourself pure. Don’t wander anywhere else even in thought. Your emotions, affections and body belong to only one. If you are married - be content in the relationship you have. If you are single – wait for God’s timing and leading. If you are in a relationship – continue to ask the Lord to make His will known to you and then move forward or get out as He leads. God wants us to be happy within our relationships; He wants the best for us. He has given us guidelines – let’s follow them. Let us give our love and affection totally to God and let Him lead us in our love and affection for those around us. God loves you – love Him back.

Today’s Thanks: Lord I thank You that even though we have not always been faithful to You as our God, You have been faithful to us and love us with a love that we don’t deserve. You have not divorced us for our unfaithfulness – You are waiting for us to return. Please help us to return and remain in You. Lord I thank You that You have given us guidelines for happy relationships. Please help us to remain totally pure in thought and action at all times. We want to have the peace of knowing that we are living in Your will. Please lead and guide us in our earthly relationships. But most importantly – please help us in our relationship with You. Lord give us a love for the ones you have led us to, or will lead us to, that only You can give. We want to be pure and happy. I thank You that You will help us. Amen.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 106


Today’s Text: Thou shalt not kill. (Exodus 20:13)

Today’s Thoughts: No two people are the same. When someone dies it is a unique life that has gone to the grave. The character of that person is silenced from this world. Life is precious. God gave His life so that we wouldn’t have to die an eternal death. If people were not valuable in His eyes, He wouldn’t have paid our price. God is saddened whenever one of His people dies. He asked us to value life and not kill. He wants us to love His people.

Today’s Testimony: Today we’re not going to discuss the question of whether or not it is ever right to kill; neither are we going to discuss the killing of anything other than people. We’re simply going to dig a little deeper into this commandment and find out more of what the Lord requires of us and then discuss the benefits of keeping it.
Firstly let’s take a look at what Jesus said in Matthew 5:21-26 referring to the sixth commandment. Christ took it a few steps further. He said that we must not only refrain from killing, He said that we must not get angry with others without a cause. We must not call others nasty names either. God doesn’t want us to call others stupid or worthless. Have you ever been called by a nasty name? Did it hurt? Did it “kill” you inside a little? What about when someone has been angry with you for no reason? Did that hurt you too? When last have you maybe killed someone’s reputation by gossiping about them? God loves those He created – He wants us to handle them with care – both their physical bodies and their internal feelings.
Christ also said that He doesn’t want us to have any hatred between us. If there is anything that is not right between two people, Christ wants them to make it right as soon as possible. He wants us to come to Him with a clean conscience knowing that we have nothing against anyone else and that we have not wronged anyone else.
The Lord knows how much guilt comes with hating and hurting others. He knows how much pain it brings. He wants us to be free of guilt and hurt. He wants us to experience the joy of being on good terms with everyone. Loving God’s people and not hating and hurting them has the benefit of a more peaceful, more joyful and more guiltless life. He knows how precious that kind of life is, so He encourages us to have it by keeping this commandment. I don’t want to “kill” anyone – I want to love God’s people and reap the benefits.
Another thing we need to discuss is the slow suicide that many of us commit on a daily basis. How well do you take care of your body? Do you fill it with all sorts of things that will cause it temporary or permanent damage? The food we eat, what we drink, smoking, medication, drugs, over-working ourselves, lack of exercise, what we fill our minds with – all these things have an effect on our bodies and minds. If we are feeding them negatively we will reap a poorer quality of life and shorten our lives. God want us to take care of ourselves so that we can live longer, healthier and happier lives.
This life will not last forever. Are you planning to live eternally? Or are you going to allow yourself to die and have your unique character forever blotted out from existence? The choice is yours – don’t kill yourself. How many people are there that are heading toward selfdestruction because they have never truly met the Lord? Are you going to leave them to die? Or are you going to tell as many people as you can about the great God that we serve. The world is dying in need of a Saviour – and no one seems to care. Do you?

Today’s Task: Life is precious – handle with care. Look after your life and the lives of others. Look after your own internal, external, emotional and Spiritual needs as well as those of others. Life here is short for all of us - let us make the most of it for everyone. God loves you – love His people.

Today’s Thanks: Lord I Thank You that You didn’t leave us to die – You died in our place. I praise You that even now You are with us through this life and haven’t just left us to live this life and die our earthly death alone. You care about us so much – help us to remember. Please help us to never “kill” ourselves or others. You value life and You love all Your people – help us to do the same. I thank You that You want us to live happy, healthy and long lives and have therefore given us simple guidelines – help us to follow them. Lord please help us to save others from an eternal death by telling them about You – the real You. We love You Lord. Amen.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 105


Today’s Text: Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. (Exodus 20:12)

Today’s Thoughts: We need to honour and obey God first above all others, but God wants us to obey and respect our earthly parents too. It’s not always easy to submit to others, but God promises a special blessing to those who honour their parents. God knows that life will be more pleasant if we respect our parents. When Jesus was on earth He honoured His earthly parents – surely we can do the same. True children of God will follow Christ’s example, and they will therefore enjoy a long life – a forever-life – with their Saviour.

Today’s Testimony: God asked us to honour our parents. But think about it… He surely wants us to have a healthy respect for all our fellow man. God has placed certain people in authority over us and we need to give them due respect. Then there are our peers who also deserve our respect. Finally we have those who are less-fortunate than us, younger than us, or those we just feel are on a lower level than us in whatever way that be. The word “deserve” that I used earlier – let me explain it this way: we are all just as human as everyone else right? We are all sinners in need of a Saviour right? None of us really have anything to boast about. People deserve respect – not because of anything they’ve done, but just because they are God’s creation. God loves us all the same. How can we show disrespect and an uncaring attitude toward any one of His loved ones?!
Then there are those who have authority over us but abuse that authority. Do we still need to respect those people? Have you ever read what Jesus did when the people asked if they should pay taxes? He asked them to bring Him a coin and asked them whose image and superscription was on the coin. They answered that it was Caesar’s. He then replied, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.” (Mark 12:14-17). God does want us to obey those in authority, and yet only if we are not required to go against what God would have us do. When we feel that our superiors are taking advantage of their authority there’s only one thing to do – take the problem to the Lord. He knows what we are going through. He knows how to help us. God wants us to obey and respect those in authority. They may be in the wrong, but as long as we remain in the right, God will bless us. As the well-known saying goes: “Two wrongs don’t make a right”.
Now I’d like to bring our attention back to respect for everyone. Do you think God is ever happy when we treat others as inferior? We are not alone in this world – we are surrounded by other human beings who are also battling through this life. God created every single one of them. He loves them all. God wants us to respect our fellow man. You’ll be a lot happier if you do. We must never speak badly about anyone else, or treat them poorly no matter how wrong they may be. The benefit of peace and joy always comes with doing what we know the Lord would have us do. We need to patiently await our reward – eternity with the Lord.
You know what I’m thankful for? I’m thankful that this sin-loving world is not the only hope I have. I have a bright future awaiting me – an eternity with a fair and loving God. I want to be there. I might have to submit to ungodly people in this world for a few years – but if I am faithful I can spend all of eternity with my Saviour.

Today’s Task: Honour your father and your mother. Obey and respect them no matter who they are or how they are. Give due respect to all those in authority, knowing that Christ never fought back when He was falsely accused and mistreated by those in authority in the land at that time. Respect all human beings, knowing that God created and loves them all. Show the love and character of Christ to a world that is dying in need of a Saviour. Ask the Lord to help you – He will.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I thank You that although You have placed others in authority over us, You are still in control. Help us to honour, respect and obey those that You would have us honour, respect and obey. Help us to respect Your people. Help us to remember that a happy eternity awaits all those who live for You. Help us to honour, respect and obey You always as our greatest authority. Lord please help us to do Your will at all costs. We want to live for You. Please help us. We love You Lord. Amen.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 104


Today’s Text: Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. (Exodus 20:8-11)

Today’s Thoughts: God created the world in six days and then rested on the seventh. He spent that day with Adam and Eve. God blessed the seventh day and set it apart as holy. He gave it as a rest-day for us. He definitely didn’t need the rest – He’s God. God knew that we would need a day to pause from the stresses of life and spend that day recharging in Him. God asked us to remember to keep this day holy because He knew how much we would need it. God cares about His children.

Today’s Testimony: So how has your week been so far? Are you anticipating the weekend? What plans do you have? Is your weekend going to be relaxing or just as busy as the rest of the week?
How’s your life been? Do you feel like you’re riding on an endless train ride? Do you live for the weekends and then when they’re over you feel no better than you did before they started? Could there be something better?
I get tired of studying and everyday business – I need a break. I could just settle for a relaxing weekend, but a spiritual recharge is much more effective. I spend a whole day with the Lord every week. A friend of mine refers to it as “you and Him time”. That’s exactly what it is. It’s my time to spend with the Lord; my time to recharge spiritually. It’s a time when I can withdraw from the concerns and cares of life. The Lord has given us one full day “off” every week – a day when we can rest from our labours of the week, a day when we can put our studies down and rest in the Lord. We do not have to worry about work-load piling up or failing the exam – God will take care of all those issues if we do what He’s asked and spend a day with Him. We need rest for a whole day each week and God knew that. We need to recharge spiritually for a whole day and God knew that. We might think we can cope without keeping His Sabbath holy and spending it with Him, but there is a special blessing, refreshing and peace for all those who take the time to obey this commandment.
The Sabbath is not a day to live for ourselves – it is a day dedicated to the Lord. The special Sabbath-rest consists of spending time in God’s Word (Acts 13:27;15:21), spending time in prayer (Acts 16:13), studying and sharing God’s Word (Acts 17:2; 18:4), going to worship God at church (Luke 4:16), spending time with fellow believers (Luke 14:1), doing good (Mark 3:4, 5) – this can be done by helping or visiting those who need it, not doing any work (Ex. 20: 10), not buying and selling (Neh. 10:31;13:15-22) and not doing our own pleasure or speaking our own words – our conversations must be Christ-centred (Is. 58:13,14). We should also prepare our hearts and our homes to keep the Sabbath the day before the Sabbath which was referred to as the preparation day (Mark 15:42). These are a few Biblical guidelines to enjoy a refreshing and peaceful Sabbath. There is a special blessing available to God’s children if they keep His Sabbath. He blessed the seventh day of the week and set it apart as holy – this day belongs to God. He wants to spend every Sabbath day with you. He deserves to be able to spend it with His people. But He also knew how much we would need a day of rest and recharge. God gave us the Sabbath for our benefit. He loves us!

Today’s Task: Remember the seventh-day-Sabbath and keep it holy. Spend a day every week with your Creator. Rest in the Lord and recharge. God gave you the day off – don’t forfeit that rest. He waits for you every Sabbath – do you come? Please don’t disappoint him. He spent 33 years here on this sin-loving planet just for us – surely we can spend one whole day each week with Him. I invite you to spend the Sabbath with the Lord. He is looking forward to it.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I praise You that You thought of how tired we would become and that we would need a break. I thank You that You knew that we would need a day to recharge in You. I thank You that You didn’t leave us with the option of whether or not to keep it – knowing that we do not know what is truly best for us – but that You commanded us to spend the Sabbath with You. Thank You for caring about us. I thank You that You blessed the seventh day and that we can still obtain that blessing by keeping it holy. I thank You that You, the Creator, want to spend one whole day with us, Your creation – WOW!!! Lord please help us to trust You and give Sabbath-rest a try. We need You! Please help us to spend this Sabbath and every coming one with You. We love You Lord. Amen.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 103


Today’s Text: Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. (Exodus 20:7)

Today’s Thoughts: God is holy. God’s name is holy. As His people we need to bring honour and glory to His name, not bring dishonour to His name. Whenever we use the Lord’s name we must do so with respect. Using God’s name casually without thought as to its holiness is sin. We need to reverence our God and His holy name. We as humans do not want others to make fun of our names – if we know that that is unkind, then how much more should we realize how evil it is to use God’s name disrespectfully?! Our God has a holy and wonderful name. Let us always reverence His name.

Today’s Testimony: I remember learning about the Ten Commandments when I was in primary school. We’re all aware of the often used expressions that make use of God’s name out of its holy context. Some people use His name on purpose to mock Him; others have never really thought anything about it. But whether we do it on purpose or innocently, we are still dishonouring His holy name. The teacher that was presenting the Ten Commandments to us took it a few steps further. She first said that we must not use the word “God” as an expression. She then added that we should not even use words that sound similar. You know how people feel it’s wrong to say “God” so they start changing a letter or two. Does that really make a difference?! Surely we can replace the whole word totally if we must use an expression or even use a totally different expression or no expressions at all. I for one would rather choose one of the latter options than to make God’s name appear unholy. My teacher didn’t stop there. She then asked us about words that refer to God. How about “Word” and “Goodness”? Maybe you can think of some more. I decided to put all those questionable expressions behind me. There is always something far more acceptable to use if we have to say anything at all. The last thing I want to do is hurt my God by dishonouring His name.
Now I’d like us to take a deeper look into dishonouring God’s name. Have you accepted Him as your Lord and Saviour? Are you His child? Do you call yourself a Christian? If yes, then… can the world see that you belong to a loving God? If we are Christ’s followers we are examples to the world of who He is. If we give a bad example we are bringing dishonour to His name – we are using His name and calling ourselves Christians, but advertising for Satan! It is not a light thing to say God’s name out of its holy context, neither is it a light thing to use God’s name (call ourselves Christians) and not live up to that name. No matter how we do it we must never ever bring dishonour to God’s name. His name is holy and must be treated with the highest respect. Our talk and lives must be a witness that we serve a holy and loving God. His name deserves to be reverenced.
Now we need to discuss what’s in it for us. Faithful children would never want to dishonour their father’s name right? God’s true children will never bring dishonour to God’s name on purpose and will be very sad if they do. God will spend eternity with His children. Those who aren’t God’s true children would not be happy living for eternity without sin, and therefore will not be there. If we want to spend eternity with our loving Saviour we need to live as His children. We need to speak and act as His children. We need to live and speak for His glory. The choice is ours – eternity is waiting for those who reverence God’s name and do not take it in vain.

Today’s Task: Remember that God’s name is holy and reverence His name. Do not use it lightly or out of its holy context. Do not call yourself a Christian unless you are willing to live as a Christian and be a good example for Christ. Never ever dishonour God’s name. It is sin and it saddens our God. God loves you more than you will ever know. Please give Him due respect. Talk for God and live for God – then when day you can talk with God and live with God. What a day that will be!

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I praise You that You thought of us when You gave the commandment to reverence Your name. You knew that we would not be able to spend eternity with You if we did not learn to talk for You and live for You. I thank You that You loved us enough to share with us what hurts You. Please help us to use Your name with respect so that we will not hurt You. Lord help us to never use Your name disrespectfully on purpose and anger You. You and Your name are holy – help us to treat them as holy. Help us to be faithful witnesses for You – showing to the world that we serve an amazing God. Help us to live up to the name Christian in all that we do and say. We love Your holy name Lord. We love You. We praise You and thank You in Christ’s name, Amen.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 102


Today’s Text: Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. (Exodus 20:4-6)

Today’s Thoughts: Only God is worthy of our worship. We must never reverence anyone or anything else. He is to be our only God and the only One we worship. God is a jealous God. Wouldn’t you be?! He created us and then He gave His Son to die in our place so He could keep us, and then we decide that He isn’t good enough and find other gods. When we sin – we reap the results. The results of sin often affect more than just the ones who sin – it can affect, as this text tells us, generations to come. But God doesn’t want us to choose the gods in this world, whatever they be, because He knows that any other god will only cause us pain. He wants us to have Him as our one and only God. If He is our God He will be merciful to us. If we choose Him, love Him and obey Him He will have mercy on us. I want the Lord to be merciful to me and bless me. I want to place Him as First and Foremost and All in All. I want Him to be my everything. How about you?

Today’s Testimony: God might be first in our lives, but do we have other gods as well? When the Lord gave the Ten Commandments the other nations were worshipping graven images, more commonly known as idols. We do still have idols today, but those are not the only gods we can have. This commandment I often used to skim over as I did with many of the others. For instance the one that says, “Thou shalt not kill.” I didn’t really think I had to worry too much about that one because I would never kill anyone on purpose, but there is far more to this commandment than what it appears to be. I found the same with the second commandment. I don’t have or worship any idols so I thought I didn’t have to worry about this one. The way I’ve rephrased it is the way I now understand this commandment – “No other gods besides me”.
A god can be anyone or anything that occupies a special place in your heart. No, I’m not saying that everyone and everything that occupies a special place in your heart is a god, but those things are what can become gods. A god usually has some sort of control over our lives. For instance: how does fashion affect the way you dress? How do your friends affect the way you speak and act? Do TV, movies, books and games have an influence on your mind? Does food appeal to you more than it should? Are you over-concerned about your weight? Are there any forms of entertainment you would hate to miss? What matters to you in this life? Have you got any gods other than the one true God?
I think most of us, if not all of us, have things in our lives that have a very important place in our hearts. We need to be sure that God is our only source of strength, peace and joy and that nothing else is ever good enough. We need to run to God when we’re in need and to no one and nothing else. It’s when we try and find peace in someone or something other than God that we become more dependent on other gods. The peace this world can offer is only temporal – God’s peace is eternal. The benefit of having God as our one and only God is that we can have eternal peace no matter what troubles we face, because we always run to the only one who can solve our problems. We can be content when all else fails and disappears – God will always be there. If we only follow the Lord’s will for our lives we will be far happier than if we followed the will of others and our own will. God knows what’s best for us. He will have mercy on us if we choose Him as our One and Only. Life is sweeter with only one God!

Today’s Task: Today’s message is the hardest one for me to follow, even though I used to think it didn’t apply to me. We all need to find our only source of peace, strength and joy in our Lord Jesus Christ. If we need to feel valued – we need to find that sense of value in knowing that Christ valued us enough to give His life for us and that he still cares about us so much. God is ALL we need. Today’s task is simply to remember that and to give God our hearts – the whole thing.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord we praise You that You are our God. Please help us to have no other gods besides You. We thank You for the peace, joy, strength, sense of value and all our other needs that only You can provide. Please help us to run to You and to You alone. All earthly gods are only temporal peace-givers and will never fill those empty spaces in our hearts. Lord I thank You that You want to fill every heart and that You have not just left us to battle on alone without Your mercy. I thank You for the benefit of making You our One and Only and All in All. Please help us, we are so weak. Lord please be our Everything. We love You Lord. Amen.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 101


Today’s Text: Thou shalt have no other gods before me. (Exodus 20:3)

Today’s Thoughts: God created us and thus we belong to Him. We chose to stray and thus in order for Him to be able to keep us forever He sent His Son to die for us. We deserved to die but God bought us so that He could live with us for all eternity. That’s the kind of God we serve. Our God does not require us to appease Him with human sacrifices as believed about some other gods – our God sacrificed Himself in our place. We serve an amazing God! He wants to be first in our lives, but truly He deserves to be. We need to be careful not to ever hold anything or anyone above the Lord, including ourselves. May God always occupy the first place in our hearts and lives.

Today’s Testimony: For years I wondered about the first two commandments. To me they seemed so similar. I figured that if you didn’t have any gods before the Lord you obviously wouldn’t worship any graven images. But then I saw the huge difference between the two commandments and realized why the Lord gave them both. The first one says, “No gods before Me – I must be first and foremost.” The second one says, “No other gods beside Me – I must be your all in all.” Yes these two commandments may be similar, but they have an important difference. We’ll discuss a bit more about the difference tomorrow.
Right now I’d like to share the benefit of keeping the first commandment. When I introduced this topic I mentioned that the first four commandments display our love for God. The first four commandments can thus often seem like selfish requests. But seeing we know that God is far from selfish, we could maybe settle for the fact that God asks us to do these things because he deserves our love and obedience. But there is something far more special about these commandments. God gave them because He knew they would benefit us. And yet, let me be quite honest – the observance of these first four commandments is a life or death situation. Please keep reading through this entire series and if you are not convinced, ask the Lord. If you’re still not convinced – I’m only an email away.
So now let’s discuss the benefit of having no other gods above the one true God. Let me start by asking you if you have a very close earthly friend? Do you share everything, or just about everything, together? Do you both know what the other likes and dislikes? Do you ever know what the other would say about a certain situation before you’ve even shared it with him or her, simply because you know each other so well? Why is it that you know each other so well? Is it because of the time you spend together being best friends? It’s when someone is important to you that you come to know them personally right? That’s how it must be with God. We need to spend so much time with Him building on a personal relationship that when He speaks – we know it’s Him; when we need to make a decision – we know what He would have us do; when we have a problem – we can peacefully trust in Him. That’s what we need!!! We need to have God as first and foremost in our lives so that we can cope with all that life throws at us. How many times do we make terrible mistakes because we cannot hear God’s voice leading us? How many times do we shrink into despair when we face trials because we cannot sense the Lord’s peace? How many times do we not know what God would have us do as opposed to what we want, others want or Satan himself wants? Would you like to be able to live with the certainty that all these fears would be gone? The answer is quite simple, and yet to put it into practice is not that easy. We need to get to know the Lord better – we need to have Him as our first and only God. We need a relationship with the Lord that is so strong that nothing can separate us from His side. We cannot live eternally with the Lord if we do not have a personal relationship with Him and the only way to get an unshakeable one is to place Him as first and foremost. We can only truly cope in this life if we do the same. God truly wasn’t being selfish – He knew we’d need Him.

Today’s Task: Make sure God is Your God above all else. Spend time with Him and form a strong and personal relationship with your Saviour. You need the Lord! Please give Him first place in your heart and life and never ever give that place to anyone or anything else. Make God your one and only.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I thank You that You gave us the Ten Commandments for our benefit. I praise You that we can have a close, strong and personal relationship with You. I thank You that You’ve done all You can to make that possible – the rest is up to us. Please help us to place You first in our lives so that we can come to know You more. Help us to have no other gods before You. We want to know You. We love You Lord. Amen.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 100


Today’s Text: Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law. (Psalm 119:18)

Today’s Thoughts:
Have you ever heard of the Ten Commandments? They are also referred to as the Law of God. When we hear of laws and rules we often don’t have very good thoughts do we? We want to be free, but at the same time we do realize that rules and laws are important. God has given us a set of guidelines for happy living. He wants us to live happy and fulfilling lives and that is why He gave them. I don’t know what you presently think about the Ten Commandments, but bear with me for a few days and I’ll share with you what the Lord has shared with me. God wants to open our eyes to behold wondrous things in His law. God’s Law was given for our benefit.

Today’s Testimony: Now I’m not sure what you know about the Ten Commandments so first we’ll have to share a few things of importance. The Ten Commandments are divided into two sections. In keeping the first four we display our love for God and by keeping the last six we display our love for our fellow man. You can read about this in Matthew 22:35 – 40. The Ten Commandment themselves can be found in Exodus 20:1-17.
Human beings are selfish – there’s no question about it. So the logical question for a sinful human being to ask is, “So there’s something in it for God and something in it for others… but what’s in it for me?” I’d like you to think about the answer to this question for a bit. Were the Ten Commandments given for your benefit?
During the next few days we’re going to discover what the benefit is for keeping each of the Ten Commandments. Some say we no longer have to keep them. We’re not going to dive into that at this stage, but let me say this – if what the Lord has shown me is correct, and that the Commandments have personal benefit for each and every one of us… why on earth would we not want to keep them?
I don’t know what your feelings are toward the keeping of the Ten Commandments, but I ask you to please continue reading Today’s T’s as we discuss this amazing truth together. Once you’ve read all that the Lord has shown me you can make an educated decision on whether or not you want to keep the Ten Commandments or not, but I promise you that keeping them will do you no harm. If it does bring you harm it shows that Satan is definitely not happy with your decision to live by God’s guideline given to His people so many years ago. I’m telling you – they can still benefit us today!
God does everything for the good of His children. The fact that God gave His Ten Commandments means that He knew that they would be for the good of His people. If they were good for them then – I believe they’re good for us now. This beautiful truth of the benefit in keeping the Ten Commandments only hit me a few months ago, and I want to share it with you. Please will you allow me to?

Today’s Task: Today I simply want you to bow your head and ask the Lord to open your eyes to the wonderful things in His Law. Ask Him to show you all the wonderful truths He wants you to know. Please be open to His voice.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I praise You that You love us. I thank You that You gave the Ten Commandments for us; for our benefit. Please help us to realize that You gave them in love. Lord I pray that You will help us to keep Your Commandments so that we can receive the benefits; but Lord, if some of us refuse to, please may this study at least help all of us to realize more fully that You do all things in love and for our benefit. Lord, please help us to obey You in all things so that You can see and know that we love You. We do love You Lord. Amen.

Monday, July 4, 2011


Today’s Text: It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22, 23)

Today’s Thoughts: The Lord should have destroyed us long ago. We are so sinful and cause Him so much pain. But His love forbids that. Because of His love and tender mercy for each one of us He did not destroy us and He is patiently waiting for us to fully surrender to Him. God faithfully blesses us every day even though we definitely do not deserve His mercies. His blessings are new every morning. God does not forget about His people – He loves us too much!

Today’s Testimony: When the Lord gave me this ministry He promised that He would provide the testimonies. He has never failed me. It’s not always easy to press on, but God grants me the strength I need. God is so good!
As VBS was approaching and I knew I would be busy and exhausted I wondered if I should take a break from Today’s T’s for the two weeks that I was teaching at two different Vacation Bible Schools. I asked the Lord and He told me that I must rather press on and He would tell me what to share. He promised that He could provide a blessing to share even if it be one day at a time. So that’s what I did – I continued. This week is my second week of VBS. Last week, although Today’s T’s came later than usual, I still sent them every day. But Thursday was an extremely busy day and I knew Friday would be worse. I asked the Lord about it and He said that I had continued with Today’s T’s as He had said and I could therefore take the day off from Today’s T’s on Friday.
Today I’m sharing testimony number 99. I stand in awe! My God is so amazing and so good! When He calls us to do a work for Him He does not leave us to do it alone – He’s right there with us. He has always provided testimonies for me to share – whether it be through helping me to choose the right one to share, or by blessing me with a brand new one – He has never left me empty-handed. I might go to Him feeling empty-handed sometimes, but He always sends me away with my hands full. God is so good! He provides me with new blessings every morning. We serve an amazing God!

Today’s Task: Trust the Lord to bless you with whatever you need. He knows your needs and He knows you. Ask Him to intervene no matter what it is that’s troubling you. God cares about you. Place your concerns in His hands. I invite you today to thank the Lord for all His wonderful blessings – they are new every day.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I thank You that You bless us so much and that Your blessings are new every morning. You’ve never forsaken us and we praise You. I thank You that You did not destroy us, but are patiently calling us to You. Please help us to trust You more. I thank You for Your great love for us. Help us to tell others about the ways You have blessed us. Help us to help others to come to know You too. We love You Lord. Amen.