His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Friday, January 14, 2011


Today’s Text: Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. (Romans 8:26)

Today’s Thoughts: Ever felt that your prayers weren’t good enough? Ever felt you didn’t know how to voice the prayer on your heart? Ever felt that you didn’t know how to word your prayer? Ever felt that you’d run out of words, and yet weren’t sure if you’d said enough? No matter how insufficient you’ve felt your prayers were – God can read hearts. This text tells us that the Holy Spirit prays on our behalf because we don’t truly know how to pray. I think that’s totally amazing. Our prayers are all so inadequate, but God still hears them because the Spirit has purified them.

Today’s Testimony: Julie, my twin sister, and I were greeting for an evangelistic campaign a few years ago. Our meetings were held at a school in a room upstairs, and one evening the school was having a function downstairs in the main hall. Due to all the noise, Julie and I were standing outside our room with the door closed to keep the noise out. We opened the door to see how the meeting was going and discovered that they were having problems with the computer. Satan didn’t want the message to be presented.
Then Julie said, “It’s because we aren’t praying enough,” so both of us started praying individually outside the door. I prayed. I prayed this and that and was still waiting for the Lord to intervene. Then finally I said something like, “Lord, I don’t know what else to pray,” or “What else must I pray?”
I believe it was right about then that the computer started working. We opened the door shortly thereafter and the problem was solved.
When our prayers aren’t answered in the way we want immediately, it doesn’t mean that we aren’t praying the right prayer, God’s timing is perfect. But our prayers do fall so far short of what they should be. That’s why Jesus disciples asked Him to teach them to pray. It’s important for us to realise that the answers to our prayers often have nothing to do with the words we pray. Some people pray long and eloquent prayers, while others pray short, simple prayers. God hears them all. And that’s because the same Holy Spirit alters our prayers so that they are acceptable in God’s site.
I’m so glad that my prayers can be acceptable to God. I’m so glad that even the prayers I cannot voice are taken to His throne. I’m so glad that when I don’t know what to pray, the Holy Spirit will pray on my behalf. Aren’t you?

Today’s Task: If you ever feel that your prayers are inadequate, remember that the Holy Spirit will make them acceptable to God. If you ever run out of words, leave the rest of your prayer in the Lords hands, His Spirit will finish it for you. The most important thing that I encourage you to do is pray. Take everything to the Lord. Tell Him everything. God hears prayer. He wants to hear from you.

Today’s Thanks: Lord I thank You that You hear every prayer we pray. Lord teach us to pray. But I thank You that You hear the shortest, simplest prayer. Lord help us to talk to You about everything. I thank You for the Holy Spirit who intercedes on our behalf. Lord help us to trust Your wisdom in all the answers. I thank You for Your love. Amen.