His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Today’s Text: I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
(John 15:5)

Today’s Thoughts: We cannot do anything without the Lord. We cannot bring forth good fruit and live our lives for the Lord without His help. We cannot live full-stop without the Lord sustaining our lives. Every movement we make can only be done because the Lord gives us strength. All our achievements are purely because the Lord gave us the wisdom to succeed. We truly owe all to Him. Without Him we can do absolutely nothing.

Today’s Testimony: I was once given the task of making vegetarian meat-balls for a youth social evening. I was told that I could just make vegetarian mince if I wanted to, but I thought I’d first try to make meat-balls. I had never made any type of meat-balls before in my life, so I definitely needed the Lord’s help.
I prayed and asked Him to help me. The Lord and I went into the kitchen; He led me with what to put in; and we made vegetarian meat-balls. They held together and tasted very nice.
In youth class the following week while sharing how our weeks had been I said, “The Lord and I made vegetarian meat-balls”. One girl in the class said, “Did you just say, ‘The Lord and I’?” I was a bit confused and replied, “Yes.” She then burst out laughing. Then she stopped; said, “I’m sorry, I don’t think it’s funny it’s just that…” and then burst out laughing again.
Isn’t it so true? It’s terribly strange to hear people talk like that. Hardly anyone these days will say, “The Lord and I did it” – especially when it’s something as insignificant as making meat-balls. But for me to say anything less would have been a total understatement, and a complete lie. I couldn’t have made those meat-balls all by myself. I definitely couldn’t take all the credit.
The Lord helps me with so many things. I ask Him to help me with some of the most tiny and insignificant things, but He always does. God cares about His children!

Today’s Task: Ask the Lord to help you with everything you do. Know that you can do nothing without Him. I encourage you to give Him credit publicly for all your achievements. Never be ashamed of your God – He’s not ashamed of you. He’s there to help you – accept His help. Ask Him to help you to live totally for Him and bear good fruit. Without Him we can do nothing; and with Him all things are possible.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I thank You that You are with us in all that we do. I thank You for life, strength and all that You bless us with. Help us to remember that we can truly do nothing without You. Please keep us relying totally on You. Lord help us to bear good fruit so we can be powerful witnesses of Your ability to change lives. I thank You for Your love and Your care for us. Amen.

Today’s Text: In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. (John 14:2, 3)

Today’s Thoughts: Today we’re looking at the last part of Psalm 23:6 and the last part of Psalm 23. I hope you’ve had a blessing filled journey through Psalm 23. Yesterday we discussed how we can dwell in God’s house right now; today we’re going to talk about dwelling with Him for all eternity. Christ is coming back to fetch His sheep. He wants us to live with Him forever. He will weep if you are not there. I want to be there and am willing to surrender all He asks me to in order to secure my heavenly home – I hope you are too.

Today’s Testimony: I once heard a gentleman say, “If I go to hell – I go to hell. If I go to purgatory – I go to purgatory. If I go to Heaven – I go to Heaven.” He didn’t really seem to care what his destiny was; he was only focusing on the here and now. Which option appeals to you? I pick the last one. It is not left up to fate, we need to make a conscious decision. This gentleman did not know what really happens when we die, and he couldn’t care. He didn’t realize that God’s Word tells us that we only have two options – eternal life or eternal death. We will either live for ever, or we will be destroyed and be dead for ever. God doesn’t want to destroy sinners – He loves them; but He is going to destroy sin, and if we are clinging to it, we’ll have to be destroyed with it. This gentleman also didn’t realize that he can choose his own option, he does not have to rely on fate. I choose eternity with my Saviour.
Now I’d like to talk about Heaven. You definitely want to be there. There will be so much to do; I’m so glad we’ll have all eternity to do it. Just think, so many people to meet, so many things to taste, so many things to see. And all will be peace and happiness. No tears, no pain, no sickness. And greatest of all – we’re going to meet our best Friend and Saviour face to face. I can’t wait!!!
I look forward to playing with the lions. I’m going to go right up to one and give him a big hug, and stroke his mane. I’m going to go and speak to people I’ve read about in the Bible. I’m going to speak to Daniel and Esther and John and Ruth and so many more. I’m going to run across the lush, green grass. I’m going to taste all the fruit that will be so much tastier than the fruit on this earth. But you know what else I really look forward to? I really look forward to seeing you there. I hope that everyone I know is there. And those of you that I have never met – I really look forward to finally meeting you. Please be sure to be there. I want you to be there. I’m sure you want to be there too. But most importantly, your Saviour wants you to be there. Please don’t disappoint Him.

Today’s Task: Choose the Lord. Choose eternal life. You will never regret it. If you do not choose Christ as your master, you will regret it. Please be sure to be in Heaven. Ask the Lord for His gift of salvation right now. Accept Him into your heart. God loves you so much – love Him back. Choose to dwell with Him forever – it’s worth it.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I thank You that you are willing to spend all eternity with us. Please help us to be there. I thank You that You have offered us eternal life when all we deserve is eternal death. Please help us to make the decision to follow You fully. I thank You that You love us and care about us so much. I praise You and thank You in Christ’s name, Amen.