His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Monday, January 10, 2011


Today’s Text: Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. (2 Corinthians 2:11)

Today’s Thoughts: Satan is not happy with this ministry. He has been trying to prevent these messages from going to the world from the day the Lord told me to start this ministry. Satan wants to get the better of us. He wants to destroy us. He wants to defeat God’s plans. But God is in control. He has told us that we have a very dangerous enemy. He is able to thwart Satan’s plans. Sometimes it is simply by informing us of what Satan is doing. When things go wrong – know that it’s Satan. When things go right – know that it’s God.

Today’s Testimony: Yesterday I sent out an e-mail to inform all Today’s T’s recipients about Today’s T’s blog and Google Group. The only problem was that the address I’d given for the blog was incorrect.
I also announced the Today’s T’s blog address in my church this weekend – also the wrong address. Satan must have been smiling both times.
My cousin e-mailed me yesterday to tell me he couldn’t access the blog, and it was then that my technical manager and I discovered that I’d given the wrong address. We also discovered another problem and we sorted both of those problems out.
As for announcing the wrong address in church, I’ll work on fixing that problem too, it’s just not as quick and easy as e-mailing all the present recipients.
Satan was smiling with all these problems that would prohibit people from accessing Today’s T’s blog. God allowed him to have his fun, because he is the prince of this world, and knowing that it can all be fixed, but God did not leave us ignorant of the problems. This is His ministry and He won’t have Satan destroying it. It has been blessing and touching too many lives.
We have a very real and dangerous enemy, but God has told us about him. He tells us in 1 Peter 5:8 that our “adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour”. God has warned us, and will often interrupt Satan’s plans. Sometimes he may even open our eyes to what Satan is doing so that we can fix the problem. God is so good. He has not left us ignorant about the war going on for our lives. Satan wants to see you and I destroyed, but God wants to spend eternity with us.
We may have a very real and dangerous enemy, but we also have a very real and loving God. He can protect us from the Devil. I want the Lord as my Refuge – how about you?

Today’s Task: I hope you’re all convinced that God is very real and loves us all so much. It is also vitally important to realize that we have an extremely dangerous enemy, Satan. Don’t play with the Devil, you may not come out alive. Choose to follow the Lord and Him alone. Ask Him to keep your eyes open to Satan’s traps, and to give you the wisdom and strength to avoid them. God cares about your safety.

Today’s Thanks: Lord I thank You that You have not left us ignorant about our arch enemy. I thank You that You are able to ruin Satan’s plans. Please help us to realize how dangerous the Devil is. Lord please protect us from his evil plans. Give us the strength to remain faithful to You no matter what he throws our way. I thank You that You care about our safety so much. Lord help us to know You more. We love You Lord. Amen.