His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Friday, March 25, 2011


Today’s Text: Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. (Psalm 23:5)

Today’s Thoughts: Today we’re going to focus on just the first part of this text: Thou preparest a table before me; then tomorrow we’ll discuss the table that’s set in the presence of our enemies. God blesses us in so many ways. He provides for all our needs. He spreads a whole table full of blessings before us, just as a shepherd takes his sheep to a whole pasture full of lush, green grass. We do not need to worry about our needs being met – Our Shepherd is in control of that. He’s the one that gives us everything we have, and He will make sure that our table is always prepared with what is best for us.

Today’s Testimony: This morning while I was thinking what I could share today, the Lord said to me, “Lindy, I prepare a table before you every day full of all the blessings and testimonies that you could share, we just have to choose one. Share that.” The Lord truly has blessed me in so many ways. I still have so many testimonies to share, and the Lord still continues to bless.
Sometimes I’ll sit and page through my prayer-diary to find the perfect testimony for that day. Other times the Lord will bring one to my mind, and if it’s recorded in my prayer-diary He’ll help me to find it so I can double-check some of the details or quote from it.
Then the Lord will help me to find the perfect text to share with that testimony. He prepares a whole table full of all the testimonies I could share, and then He has a whole Bible full of texts that He helps me to choose from.” I encourage you to read His Word – it’s full of blessings.
At the moment it’s a little bit more complicated because I’m working up-side-down. Instead of finding a testimony and then looking for the perfect text, my text is chosen for me or I have to look for a text to fit in with the portion of Psalm 23 that we’re sharing for that day, and then I have to find a testimony to fit with the text. God has blessed me in so many different ways though, the table is always full.
When I started working on Today’s T’s the Lord blessed me with so many more experiences to share. He said, “Lindy, I’ve provided for your financial needs, your study needs (exams and assignments), and for so many other needs – I will provide you with testimonies to share. Move forward, you will not run dry.” God is so good!!!
Your table is full of blessings too, just stop and take the time to look. God blesses us every single day. There are so many blessings that we take for granted, until we don’t have them anymore. And then there are so many blessing that we are totally unaware of. God loves us so much! Please love Him back.

Today’s Task: Count your blessings. And then thank the Lord for each one. Ask the Lord to open your eyes to His blessings. If you are in need of anything, ask the Lord to provide, He will prepare a whole table before you. Remember that He cares about you so much. And then please, remember to love Him back.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I thank You so much for Your providence! I thank You that You prepare a table full of blessings for us each and every day. Help us to stop and look at our tables to see all the blessings that You have provided. I thank You so much for every single blessing – those we count, those we over-look, and those we are unaware of. You are so good Lord and I praise You! Amen.