His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Monday, April 11, 2011


Today’s Text: My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction: For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth. (Proverbs 3:11, 12)

Today’s Thoughts: There are a lot of things that we do that disappoint the Lord. Sometimes He will choose to discipline us in order to direct us back to His ways. He only disciplines in love. He loves us far too much to leave us to stumble on in our sinful ways. Whenever the Lord corrects us and shows us our error, we need to remember that He is doing it purely because He cares about us. We need to be willing to return to His ways. He only corrects those He loves. Next time the Lord points out an error to you, remember how much He loves you, and show Him that you love Him back by making it right.

Today’s Testimony: Let me start by reminding you that I am 100% human – I make mistakes. It’s not easy to share myself, good and bad, with the whole world, but the stories I share will bring honour and glory to His name, and therefore I share them.
In my church we have a time each week where we divide up into different discussion groups to discuss a certain Bible topic. I’ve often led out in the youth discussion. Sometimes I’d been asked beforehand; other times I had to step in at the last minute. I usually go prepared just in case.
One of those mornings that I had to stand in at the last minute I made a terrible mistake. You know how sometimes we’ve done something so many times before, that we just take it for granted that all will go well? I didn’t stop to ask the Lord to help me. I put it this way: “That day I took the discussion without the Lord.”
We went around the class and said how our weeks had been, and then to add on to my first mistake, I completely forgot to have an opening prayer before getting into the discussion.
I mentioned a certain issue simply as an example. I honestly thought that everyone had the same stand on the issue, but then everyone started debating. The debate had nothing to do with the topic we were meant to be discussing.
I was horrified. I didn’t expect that at all. I wasn’t sure what to do to calm everyone down and return to the topic. Then the Lord said, “Lindy, you didn’t pray before starting.” I then got everyone’s attention and said, “I know why we’re getting into such a debate, it’s because we didn’t have an opening prayer.” We then had a pray and were able to refocus on the correct topic.
I learnt a powerful lesson that day. I hope to never again do anything without the Lord; I definitely am far from qualified to do any task He places in my path.
The Lord corrected me and pointed me back to His ways. He did that in love and because He loves me. He never wants us to stray from His will, and He definitely doesn’t want us to stray too far. He knows that we’re safest inside of His will, and He will therefore lovingly reprimand us and bring us back. I love my Saviour.

Today’s Task: Don’t despise the Lord’s correcting. If He guides you back to right paths – please follow. Sometimes we may have to admit to our error publicly, and no one ever wants to do that, but if that’s what the Lord requires, it is so important that we do it. Please repent if there is any wrong that the Lord has brought to your mind right now. Please ask Him to show you anything else that He is not happy with. Then ask Him for the strength to make your life right in His eyes no matter what the cost. Whenever the Lord corrects you, remember that He is doing it because He loves you. He really loves you a lot – love Him back!

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I thank You that You love us so much. I thank You that You care about us enough to not leave us to wander on in sin. Please help us to hear and accept Your correction. Help us to return to Your ways and Yours alone. Help us to remember that You reprimand us because You love us. Lord, please give us the strength to live totally for You. I thank You for Your love. Please help us to love You back. Amen.