His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Today’s Text: A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent. (Proverbs 28:20)

Today’s Thoughts: Today we’re going to take a look at the last part of Psalm 23:5. When our cups run over, it means that God has poured far more than we need, and that He still has excess. God owns everything. He can bless us with what we need, and with far more than we need. He wants to bless us. He wants us to realize just how much He loves us. If we are faithful to God He will faithfully take care of us and even bless us more abundantly than we could ever imagine. We just need to place our trust in Him. Nothing that we could ever gain ourselves can compare to what God can give us.

Today’s Testimony: Today is day 61. That means that I’ve shared 60 testimonies so far – my cup runneth over. God has blessed me so much. I asked the Lord what He wanted me to share with today’s text, and He told me to share how He has blessed me so abundantly with Bibles – I’m crazy about Bibles. Don’t ask me why, but for some or other reason I just like them.
I have so many different Bibles. I had a few of my own, and then my gran gave me many different translations that had belonged to my grandpa. He had worked at a publishing house and also loved Bibles and books. Another thing that I love is language, and Afrikaans is the only other language that I can kind of understand, so I have two Afrikaans Bibles. But I probably wouldn’t mind having Bibles in any other languages either.
At one stage I was looking for a small KJV Bible that could fit in my handbag. I went into the Bible shop and found two piles of two different small Bibles. I can’t remember if they weren’t the translation that I was looking for, if they were not within my price range, or just not exactly what I was looking for, but I didn’t want to buy one of those. But the Lord impressed me to look through both piles of Bibles. Buried in the second pile of Bibles was exactly what I was looking for. It was a small, soft-cover KJV Bible for only R30. God is so good! He knew what I was looking for, and He knew just where I could find it.
On another occasion we went to a second-hand book shop. We were there for quite a while, but I got no further than the Bible section. Just think – all sorts of different Bibles to look at! (I told you I’m crazy about Bibles). I scanned the shelves, looked at a few, and then sat on the floor to look through the piles of smaller Bibles and related books that were on the floor. So many of them were the same, but I looked through each pile. In amongst all those Christian books was a small English dictionary. It looked like one of the Bibles that there were a lot of, and had obviously been mistaken for one. I was so excited! I bought that and a small Afrikaans Bible for only R5. I got my second Afrikaans Bible for free from the same place on another occasion, that one is the normal size. God is so good!!!
I also bought a Bible key-ring a while ago for about R6. I’ve wanted one for years, and I was finally able to buy one at a reasonable price. God is so good! He has blessed me so abundantly with so many blessings. He truly does love His sheep!
God blesses us with what we need, but also sometimes blesses us with special little things simply to say, “I love you child!” I love Him too!

Today’s Task: Count your blessings. Your cup is running over – you just may not have noticed yet. If you are going through a rough time ask the Lord to show you your overflowing cup. He cares about His children. Praise Him for all His blessings – big and small. He deserves our praise!

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I thank You for all Your many blessings! I praise You that you overflow our cups every single day. Please help us to notice. Lord, please remind us to always praise You for every blessing. I thank You that You love and care about each and every one of us. We love You too! Amen.