His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Today’s Text: And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it. (Jeremiah 18:4)

Today’s Thoughts: Jeremiah was told to watch the potter and then the Lord said that the clay represented His people and the potter represented Him. God created us as perfect beings, but we chose to sin and therefore became “marred vessels” in His hands. But God did not leave us to continue in the path of destruction – if we allow Him to be our Potter he will remould us and change us, making us more and more like Him. He wants to change each of our lives – all we need to do is ask Him to intervene and surrender our lives fully into His hands to be reformed. The Lord can change us – will we let Him?

Today’s Testimony: Three years ago I wrote a song to sing during the youth week-of-prayer that I presented at my church. Today I’d like to share the words to that song. These words were true in my life. Sometimes we don’t realize that the Lord requires better of us. We think we are ok. I know that I still need the Lord to work miracles in my life. I still need Him to change me and make me more and more like Him. How about you?

Lord Make Me More Like You

I thought that I could be who I wanted to be
And still be able to live eternally
But I soon found out I was wrong
There were some things in my life I needed to work on
I needed to
Allow You
To come and change my self-centred heart
And love and peace impart

Lord make me more and more like You
Lord break me; do whatever You know You must do
Lord take me and mould me for eternity
Lord wake me up to the reality
That if I do not surrender and place my life in Your hands
Then when You come in the clouds I will not be able to stand
Lord make me more and more like You
Lord break me; do whatever You know You must do

Mould my character Lord, so that I can be like You

Today’s Task: Ask the Lord to forgive you for the past and to change you right now. He longs to have your permission to work in your life. Please allow Him to enter your heart and make you more like Him. There’s just no time to live for ourselves. Ask the Lord to do whatever it takes to change you. Please surrender. And then allow Him to continue to work in your life.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I praise You that You are a loving Potter and did not throw your marred pieces of clay away. You have been patient with us and we thank You. You are ready to remould us into Your image. Please help us to surrender our lives to You. Lord make us more and more like You. We love You Lord. Amen.