His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Friday, June 24, 2011


Today’s Text: Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off. (Psalm 139:2)

Today’s Thoughts: God knows everything about us. He knows our characters, our thoughts, our past, present and future. The blessing in having a God that knows everything about us is that He therefore knows what is best for each of us individually. He knows what to do in order to get each of us to work for Him and He knows what work is best for us to do. He knows how to bless each of us. He knows what we need. He knows how to intervene for each of us individually. God knows us inside out. I’m grateful. Are you?

Today’s Testimony: I’ve started writing many books before, but none of them really got very far. I’m the kind of person who needs quite a bit of motivation in order to continue with a project.
At one stage I started writing an autobiography in order to share how the Lord has blessed me throughout my life. But I soon lost interest in that and left it to complete at a later stage. A while later I decided to share all the testimonies of what the Lord has done for me by compiling a personal devotional book. I thought that this way it would be far easier and I could focus on just one day at a time. But that also soon took a standstill.
God wanted the testimonies that I have to share to reach the world, and He therefore had a better idea. God knows me inside out – He knew that in order for Lindy Catherine Dearham to finish a book sharing the stories of the amazing ways He has blessed her, she would have to be “forced” to work on it every day. The Lord therefore gave me this ministry – Today’s T’s. I’ve shared the story of how Today’s T’s came about once before (Today’s T’s Day 57). The Lord told me He wanted me to start this ministry and that He would provide everything I’d need, and I said, “Yes.”
The Lord got me to commit to sending out a testimony every day because He knew that if I didn’t have some form of pressure, my book would never happen. God knows me inside out, and I’m glad. I hope you’re glad too.

Today’s Task: Praise the Lord that He knows you inside out. He can intervene in your life because He knows what your needs are. Lay your life and your plans before His feet – He will do what’s best for you. God loves you. Don’t ever forget that.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I praise You that You know me inside out. I praise You that You know us all inside out. I thank You that You will intervene in our lives in whatever way You need to – please do. I thank You that You care about us. I thank You that You are patient with us. We love You Lord. Amen.