His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Today’s Text: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

Today’s Thoughts: Do you know what makes our God different from all the other gods that people worship? The most distinguishing factor is that our God loves us. None of the other gods care about their followers. They are usually thought to require human sacrifice and self-torture. But our God cares about us. He died so that we could have life. He cares about every detail of our lives. If it matters to us – it matters to God.

Today’s Testimony: When I wrote matric, Biblical Studies was my favourite subject. I started focusing too much on that, and then had to leave it for a while so I could focus on my other subjects. I eventually wasn’t happy with the amount of time I’d spent on studying Biblical Studies; I new I could have done better. But those that know me know that I love studying anything that has to do with the Bible. As people say, “Maths is his/her subject”, anything Bible was mine.
I really wanted to get a distinction for Biblical Studies, but I also knew that I hadn’t put enough effort into it to deserve one. I asked the Lord to please at least help me to pass, but I also mentioned that He knew how badly I wanted a distinction. A distinction for matric is 80%. I got 80% on the dot. God is so good!!!
For the Bible subject that I wrote for university my exam paper was white. That meant I could take it home. If the paper is a colour, it remains property of the university. I was so happy. It wasn’t really that I needed the paper, I was just really glad that I could take it home. I told you – Bible is my subject.
When the papers and answer books were collected after the exam, the invigilator that collected in my row collected my “white” paper. I then started analysing the situation. “I guess I don’t really need the paper, but I still would have liked it, and it was mine to take home.” “Maybe I could go and ask the head-invigilator if I could have my paper back.” (I was sitting near the front, and I was the only one that turned up for that paper so it would have been easy to ask and to find my paper. It was also only one of two white papers in my row.) “If only I’d held on to it, maybe she wouldn’t have collected it. Or then I could have queried her wanting it.”
I can’t remember if I prayed. It was probably one of those times where we start making plans to fix a problem without stopping to think that we serve an almighty God. I might have asked the Lord what I should do, but I don’t think I asked Him to intervene.
The invigilator walked to the front of the hall and then the head-invigilator started telling her something. I couldn’t hear what she was saying, but from what I could see, it looked as though the Lord had heard the prayer I hadn’t prayed. It was then that I prayed. I sat in awe. The head-invigilator told her to hand the white papers back. I got my exam paper back!!!
I didn’t need a distinction for Biblical Studies; I didn’t need my exam paper back, but God cared enough about me to intervene. He cares about the smallest details of our lives. And if He cares about the tiny issues, He definitely cares about the greater issues. If it matters to us –it matters to God. He loves us so much. Believe it.

Today’s Task: Got any “unimportant” things you’d like to take to the Lord? Take them to Him. He encourages us to cast “all” our cares upon Him, because He cares so much for each one of us. Take your problems and desires to the Lord, if it’s in His will, He will grant your request. He cares about you. Believe it!!!

Today’s Thanks: Lord I thank You that You care about us so much. I thank You that nothing is unimportant to You and that nothing is too big for You. You love us and want us to be happy. Help us to trust You more. Help us to cast “all” our cares upon You. I thank You that You are a caring and loving God. Help us to love You back. Amen.

Today’s Text: Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. (Mark 9:23)

Today’s Thoughts: A man had brought his son who was possessed by an evil spirit to Jesus to ask Him to free his son. Jesus said that if he could believe, all things were possible. The father of the child then cried out, and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.” Jesus then cast out the demon.
It’s not always easy to believe that God can do what we think is impossible. That’s when we need to be like this father and ask the Lord to help our unbelief. With God all things are possible. We just need to believe. And then trust that God will do what is best.

Today’s Testimony: When you think of the “impossible”, what do you think of? Big problems or small problems? Sometimes it’s the tiny things that we think of as insignificant. Other times it’s the mountainous problems that we see no way out of.
Today I’d like to share a story about one of those things that is humanly impossible, but also thought to be such an insignificant problem compared to the problems we often have to face. God cares about all the things that bother us, and if we ask Him to intervene and believe that He will, if it’s in His will, He will help us.
While my sisters and I were in Cape Town visiting my dad last year, my mom and step-dad, with the help of some friends, moved house back home in Durban. The former owners of our new house had owned 10 dogs and bred cats. The house was therefore over-run with fleas.
On my first morning in the new house I climbed back into bed after we had family worship because it was the only place that was safe. I dreaded getting up. I needed to have my personal devotions, but with that came kneeling for prayer. On that floor?!
I thought, “Do I kneel, or don’t I kneel?” Then I took my problem to the Lord. I asked Him to please let the itching stop, and to take away the fleas.” The itching stopped!!!
I slept a bit longer and then knelt on the floor to pray. The Lord and I had a long chat, so I landed up sitting cross-legged on the floor at His feet. I did not get attacked by fleas!!! I asked, I believed, and the Lord intervened. My God can do anything!

Today’s Task: I encourage you to take all your problems to the Lord, no matter what they are. He can do what we think is petty or impossible. Don’t ever think that your problem is too silly to bother the Lord with – He loves to take care of His children’s needs, You can never be a bother to Him. Give Him a try, He won’t disappoint you. Ask God to intervene, and then believe that He will. He will. Even if He doesn’t intervene in the way you thought best. He knows better. Trust him. Ask Him, Believe Him, then watch and stand in awe.

Today’s Thanks: Lord I thank You that all things are possible with You. I praise You that no problem is too great or insignificant for You. If it’s significant to us – it’s significant to You. Thank you Lord. Please help our unbelief. Help us to take all our concerns to You, and help us to believe that You will intervene. I thank You that You will do what is best in every situation that we bring to You. I thank You that You care about each one of us so much. Amen.