His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 100


Today’s Text: Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law. (Psalm 119:18)

Today’s Thoughts:
Have you ever heard of the Ten Commandments? They are also referred to as the Law of God. When we hear of laws and rules we often don’t have very good thoughts do we? We want to be free, but at the same time we do realize that rules and laws are important. God has given us a set of guidelines for happy living. He wants us to live happy and fulfilling lives and that is why He gave them. I don’t know what you presently think about the Ten Commandments, but bear with me for a few days and I’ll share with you what the Lord has shared with me. God wants to open our eyes to behold wondrous things in His law. God’s Law was given for our benefit.

Today’s Testimony: Now I’m not sure what you know about the Ten Commandments so first we’ll have to share a few things of importance. The Ten Commandments are divided into two sections. In keeping the first four we display our love for God and by keeping the last six we display our love for our fellow man. You can read about this in Matthew 22:35 – 40. The Ten Commandment themselves can be found in Exodus 20:1-17.
Human beings are selfish – there’s no question about it. So the logical question for a sinful human being to ask is, “So there’s something in it for God and something in it for others… but what’s in it for me?” I’d like you to think about the answer to this question for a bit. Were the Ten Commandments given for your benefit?
During the next few days we’re going to discover what the benefit is for keeping each of the Ten Commandments. Some say we no longer have to keep them. We’re not going to dive into that at this stage, but let me say this – if what the Lord has shown me is correct, and that the Commandments have personal benefit for each and every one of us… why on earth would we not want to keep them?
I don’t know what your feelings are toward the keeping of the Ten Commandments, but I ask you to please continue reading Today’s T’s as we discuss this amazing truth together. Once you’ve read all that the Lord has shown me you can make an educated decision on whether or not you want to keep the Ten Commandments or not, but I promise you that keeping them will do you no harm. If it does bring you harm it shows that Satan is definitely not happy with your decision to live by God’s guideline given to His people so many years ago. I’m telling you – they can still benefit us today!
God does everything for the good of His children. The fact that God gave His Ten Commandments means that He knew that they would be for the good of His people. If they were good for them then – I believe they’re good for us now. This beautiful truth of the benefit in keeping the Ten Commandments only hit me a few months ago, and I want to share it with you. Please will you allow me to?

Today’s Task: Today I simply want you to bow your head and ask the Lord to open your eyes to the wonderful things in His Law. Ask Him to show you all the wonderful truths He wants you to know. Please be open to His voice.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I praise You that You love us. I thank You that You gave the Ten Commandments for us; for our benefit. Please help us to realize that You gave them in love. Lord I pray that You will help us to keep Your Commandments so that we can receive the benefits; but Lord, if some of us refuse to, please may this study at least help all of us to realize more fully that You do all things in love and for our benefit. Lord, please help us to obey You in all things so that You can see and know that we love You. We do love You Lord. Amen.