His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 105


Today’s Text: Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. (Exodus 20:12)

Today’s Thoughts: We need to honour and obey God first above all others, but God wants us to obey and respect our earthly parents too. It’s not always easy to submit to others, but God promises a special blessing to those who honour their parents. God knows that life will be more pleasant if we respect our parents. When Jesus was on earth He honoured His earthly parents – surely we can do the same. True children of God will follow Christ’s example, and they will therefore enjoy a long life – a forever-life – with their Saviour.

Today’s Testimony: God asked us to honour our parents. But think about it… He surely wants us to have a healthy respect for all our fellow man. God has placed certain people in authority over us and we need to give them due respect. Then there are our peers who also deserve our respect. Finally we have those who are less-fortunate than us, younger than us, or those we just feel are on a lower level than us in whatever way that be. The word “deserve” that I used earlier – let me explain it this way: we are all just as human as everyone else right? We are all sinners in need of a Saviour right? None of us really have anything to boast about. People deserve respect – not because of anything they’ve done, but just because they are God’s creation. God loves us all the same. How can we show disrespect and an uncaring attitude toward any one of His loved ones?!
Then there are those who have authority over us but abuse that authority. Do we still need to respect those people? Have you ever read what Jesus did when the people asked if they should pay taxes? He asked them to bring Him a coin and asked them whose image and superscription was on the coin. They answered that it was Caesar’s. He then replied, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.” (Mark 12:14-17). God does want us to obey those in authority, and yet only if we are not required to go against what God would have us do. When we feel that our superiors are taking advantage of their authority there’s only one thing to do – take the problem to the Lord. He knows what we are going through. He knows how to help us. God wants us to obey and respect those in authority. They may be in the wrong, but as long as we remain in the right, God will bless us. As the well-known saying goes: “Two wrongs don’t make a right”.
Now I’d like to bring our attention back to respect for everyone. Do you think God is ever happy when we treat others as inferior? We are not alone in this world – we are surrounded by other human beings who are also battling through this life. God created every single one of them. He loves them all. God wants us to respect our fellow man. You’ll be a lot happier if you do. We must never speak badly about anyone else, or treat them poorly no matter how wrong they may be. The benefit of peace and joy always comes with doing what we know the Lord would have us do. We need to patiently await our reward – eternity with the Lord.
You know what I’m thankful for? I’m thankful that this sin-loving world is not the only hope I have. I have a bright future awaiting me – an eternity with a fair and loving God. I want to be there. I might have to submit to ungodly people in this world for a few years – but if I am faithful I can spend all of eternity with my Saviour.

Today’s Task: Honour your father and your mother. Obey and respect them no matter who they are or how they are. Give due respect to all those in authority, knowing that Christ never fought back when He was falsely accused and mistreated by those in authority in the land at that time. Respect all human beings, knowing that God created and loves them all. Show the love and character of Christ to a world that is dying in need of a Saviour. Ask the Lord to help you – He will.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I thank You that although You have placed others in authority over us, You are still in control. Help us to honour, respect and obey those that You would have us honour, respect and obey. Help us to respect Your people. Help us to remember that a happy eternity awaits all those who live for You. Help us to honour, respect and obey You always as our greatest authority. Lord please help us to do Your will at all costs. We want to live for You. Please help us. We love You Lord. Amen.