His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day 129


Today’s Text: Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and He shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. (Psalm 55:22)

Today’s Thoughts: Do you have a burden that you’re battling to bear? God knows what it is and He longs for you to cast it on Him. He may take the problem away totally or He may see it best to help you bear the load for a little longer. He knows how much we are able to bear and will intervene at the perfect time. If we forsake Him because of trials it is our own lack of trust. He will never give us more than He knows we are able to handle because He is not willing for us to forsake Him. God is willing to sustain us and to deliver us – we just need to trust Him completely.

Today’s Testimony: Firstly I need to say that a lot has been happening in my life over the past year. The sending of Today’s T’s had a break for quite a while, and I therefore need to fill you in on what’s happening in my life before I share today’s testimony.
My step-dad applied to immigrate to Australia a while ago, everything was eventually approved and right now I am already in Australia. I’ll share more blessings about this at a later stage. Right now I just needed you to know that I have moved to Australia.
Getting ready to move was a nightmare. There was a long list of things we couldn’t bring into the country so we had to decide whether to give forbidden items away and who we would give them to or to sell them. Then we had to decide what other things we were going to keep, get rid of and get rid of and replace in Australia. It was cheaper to bring most of our household goods over in a container than to replace them this side, so we did.
Our washing machine had had its pump replaced and now for some or other reason would only fill if the water pipe was connected to the hot water side, even though we were filling it with cold water. But it seemed to still have some life in it so it came with. Soon after we arrived it began throwing a tantrum. We think something had possibly disconnected in transit. Our washing machine would wash, but when it reached the spin cycle it would either stop or refill. Refilling for the rinse cycle instead of spinning wasn’t so bad, but when it was due to spin for the last time we would have to run to stop it before it refilled. Then we would have to ring out all the freezing cold washing and either just hang it on the line or try spinning it in sections and see if it worked.
Now for the testimony. It was shortly after we’d arrived in Australia and we had quite a lot of hand washing to do. That meant washing the clothes in buckets and then spinning it in the washing machine. Question was whether the washing machine would do its job properly. So I began washing all the clothes. I started with the first load, chucked it in the machine to spin and then prayed that it would spin properly. I stood there and watched as the machine span as I hadn’t seen it spin in ages and then left to wash the next load. The loads were not too big at all, but the normal size I usually put in to spin. Even a load of one item had been giving trouble at that time. But because I had cast my burden on the Lord He intervened and I was able to spin all the loads I wanted to – about 6 loads I think.
We still had many ups and downs with our washing machine, but God sustained our patience until He intervened in a greater way. That story you’ll have to wait till tomorrow to hear.

Today’s Task: Cast your burdens on the Lord and trust Him to deliver you or sustain you till the right time to remove it. If you have burdens of sin cast them straight on the Lord and He will remove it – He longs to free you from sin. He cares about you and does not want to see His people suffer. He allows trials in order to refine us and not to harm us – trust Him.

Today’s Thanks: Lord I thank You that You care about us. I thank You that You will never give us burden’s that we cannot bear and that You will help us to bear our heavy burdens. I thank You that You are able to deliver us from our burdens. Please help us to trust You. Please help us to surrender our burdens of sin. I thank You that You are willing to take them. We love You and praise You in Christ’s name, Amen.