Today’s Text: And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. (Mark 4:39)Today’s Thoughts: This text comes from the story of Jesus calming the storm. That same God who stilled the wind and the waves so many years ago is still in control of the weather today. He is more than able to change the weather. But He always knows best. But more than the physical storms, God can still the storms in our lives. He can say to our troubled souls, “Peace, be still.” I want that peace.
Today’s Testimony: A few years ago I went to visit my gran at Anerley Place, a retirement village in the Durban area, for a few weeks. Every morning, except for Saturdays, a group of the residents meet and go for a walk. While I was visiting I joined my gran and the others on the walks.
One morning while we were standing waiting for some more people to arrive, one of the ladies said, “Not a day for washing.” I looked out over the see, and clearly it wasn’t a day for washing.
I needed to get some washing done that day so I prayed, “Lord, please clear the weather, I need to do washing. You can do all things. Your will be done.”
A while later when my gran came inside from hanging her load of washing she said, “Look at the gorgeous day.” I turned and looked out the window and the sky was blue with not a cloud in sight. The Lord had answered my prayer and taken all those dark clouds away. God can still calm the weather for us even today.
He has stilled many of the storms in my life too. He wants to do the same for you. He can do all things, ask Him today. Take every problem to Him. He can calm the weather and your heart. Trust Him.
Today’s Task: Are you in need of peace today? God wants to give you that peace. Ask Him for it, then trust Him and believe that He will grant it. I don’t know what you’re going through, but God does. And more than that, He knows just how to intervene. But in the mean time, He can give you the peace you need while you wait for His miracle. His timing is perfect, He will intervene at the right time, but he can give you peace right now. Ask Him for His peace today, right now.
Today’s Thanks: Lord I thank You that You have peace for every single one of us. Lord we want that peace, we need it. I thank You that You can work miracles for us no matter what our troubles may be. Lord help us to trust in You. Help us to come to know You as the loving heavenly Father that You are. I thank You for Your love and Your peace. Amen.