His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Today’s Text: Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. (Malachi 3:10)

Today’s Thoughts: Tithe is ten-percent of all our increase, or profit. God asks us to return to Him only ten-percent of the money that we earn. It might not always be easy, but God promises us that He will provide for our every need if we trust Him. He will give us more blessings than we can handle. He may test our faith, but He will always come through for His people. I’ve seen it.

Today’s Testimony: Yesterday I said that there was something special that I wanted to share about the Lord blessing me with R150 when I’d set aside R1500, and R200 when I’d set aside R2000. Do you see it? Each time I was left with ten-percent of what I’d given to the Lord.
The Lord asks us to give Him back one-tenth of all that He blesses us with. But sometimes He will also give us back one-tenth of the money that we give to Him. I think that’s so amazing. He might even bless us with more than that. Each time I was only giving Him another R500, but He gave me ten-percent of the total that I’d given Him. We serve a generous, loving God. His blessings so out-weigh anything we could ever give Him, or do for Him. And He really owns everything we give Him anyway.
I encourage you to start setting aside money for the Lord. Watch Him bless and provide. I also encourage you to give Him ten-percent of all that He blesses you with. He will provide your every need. Trust Him.
A while ago I was trying to think of a time that the Lord hadn’t come through for me – I couldn’t think of one. He has never failed me. Sometimes His providence may be in a totally different way from what I thought would be best, but I’ve often seen His reasoning at a later stage. God always provides. I’ve seen it.

Today’s Task: Trust the Lord. Return your tithe to Him, He will bless you abundantly. I also encourage you to give Him more than just the tenth. Ask Him where He can use your money. Give until it hurts. It’s well worth it. I truly met the Lord by making room for His hand in this manner. Wouldn’t you like to do the same? Please do.

Today’s Thanks: Lord I thank You that You bless us with so much. I thank You that You also often work on a tithing system by giving us ten-percent back when we give to You. Help us to give to You more freely. I thank You that You can provide for all our needs. Please help us to trust You. Please give us the faith we need. I thank You for Your love. Amen.

Today’s Text: O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. (Psalm 34:8)

Today’s Thoughts: This text sums up the whole reason why I am sending out “Today’s T’s”. I want the whole world to taste the God that I know. I want everyone to see for themselves that my God is good and the greatest Friend that they will ever have. So how do you taste Him? Don’t ask me. Seriously, ask God Himself – you can. But I also firmly believe that sometimes we need to make space for Him. If we’re all sorting out our own lives, where are we wanting to see His hand?! O friend, give the Lord room to work. Taste and see that He truly is good.

Today’s Testimony: Now for some more of my testimony about Praise Corner. Just before my sisters and I flew down to Cape Town, I placed my last R20 note in the offering-plate at church. I went down to Cape Town broke, but trusting.
I had to wait a while before getting money, but I eventually received some. After I’d received most of the money I would get I had R800. R500 was set aside for Praise Corner, I set some aside to return tithe and offering to the Lord, and I was left with R150. I spent some; received some more; and was once again left with R150.
Now there’s something very special about that R150, but I’ll share that with you at a later stage. I know, I also would love to share it now, but I’d like to go into depth about it and talk heart to heart. God really is so good!
During those December holidays I had truly tasted that the Lord is good, and I had yet to see so much more. He stretched and provided; He still does. I’d given Him place to reveal His hand, and He was truly taking hold of the opportunity. He longs for you to do the same.
I was now back in Durban; I’d put aside R150 for Praise Corner, which now had R1500; and I had a concern that I voiced to the Lord. I said, “But Lord, R500 increase per year is not going to increase very fast.”
He intervened!!! My dad and step-mom came up to Durban that year for my twin sister and my birthday. They brought money from themselves and other family members. I was able to put aside another R500. That’s 2 years – R2000. God is so good! And O, I was left with R200 after returning my tithe and offering, if that means anything to anyone; but it will later. We truly serve a loving and powerful God!

Today’s Task: O friend, I so encourage you to taste and see that the Lord is good. Give Him place to reveal His hand in your life. It might be by giving Him a portion of money that forces you to rely totally on Him to provide – He will (I’ve seen it). It might be in another way. That’s why I said you must ask Him. He knows exactly what you need to do in order to make place for His hand. Give God a chance. He cares about you so much. He longs for you to know Him personally. O taste and see that the Lord is so good.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord, thank You that You are a very personal God. I praise You that You are so good. Help us to taste You. We need to. We need to know You. Please reveal to us if there is anything that You would have us do in order to make space for Your loving hand. And Lord, then please give us the faith and strength to do it. You truly are good. Amen.

Today’s Text: Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. (Isaiah 6:8)

Today’s Thoughts: Has the Lord ever called you to do something special for Him? Are you available for Him to call? If He was looking for someone, would you be willing to say, “Here am I; send me”? He wants to use each one of us. He’s simply waiting for us to be available. He knows who will do the task He wants done. As I’ve heard people say many times before, “God is not looking for ability; He is looking for availability. He does not choose the capable; He equips the available.” Are you available?

Today’s Testimony: In May/June 2004 my dad came up to Durban on business and gave my sisters and me each R1000. I was 15 at the time and had never owned so much money before in my life. Seeing I had money at the time, I figured I’d “save it for a rainy day”. I often asked the Lord what He wanted me to do with the money.
Then on the 21st of November that same year, I finished reading a book entitled “In His Steps.” The story was fiction, but it had a powerful message. The book was about a group of people who pledged to not do anything without asking the question, “What would Jesus do?”, and then to do likewise. I had made that same pledge when I started reading the book, but now that I had finished it God had something more in mind.
The Lord said to me, “Lindy, that R1000 in the box behind you, I want you to give it to me. I want you to start a ministry for the poor.” In child-like faith at 16, I gladly pledged all the money to the Lord. That was the start to a ministry that was later called “Praise Corner”. The poor are cornered in poverty, but we can give them a reason to praise. I learnt to truly praise the Lord in all things because of my testimony of Praise Corner. Are you in a corner? Ask the Lord to give you a reason to praise. He might just need to open your eyes.
I did not stop there. I then said, “But Lord, R1000 to feed the poor isn’t going to go very far. If I get R1000 when I go to Cape Town in December, then I’ll give it to You. But if I don’t get R1000, and I get R500, then I’ll give that to You.
The Lord had asked me to do something for Him, and I accepted His calling. My life has never been the same since. I’ll unwrap the rest of the amazing testimony of Praise Corner in some more “Today’s T’s”.

Today’s Task: Today I simply want you to hear the Lord’s voice saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Make yourself available. Say to Him, “Here am I; send me.” Ask Him to help you to make yourself available to Him. Ask Him to equip you for the task. You will never regret it.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I praise You that You have given us the privilege of being used by You. O Lord, help us to make ourselves available for whatever task You may have for us. We want to serve You. We long to do a mighty work for You. I thank you that You will equip us for the task You call us to. Lord here we are; send us. Amen.