His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Friday, April 8, 2011


Today’s Text: Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5)

Today’s Thoughts: God wants us to trust Him. He is totally trustworthy. He doesn’t want us to trust Him sometimes; He doesn’t want us to trust Him half-heartedly – He wants us to trust Him all the time; fully. Our own understanding can get us in a lot of trouble. We need to follow God’s perfect way, and His alone. God knows everything. He knows what is best for us. We need to trust Him completely; with all our hearts.

Today’s Testimony: One morning, I can’t remember if it was a dream or a thought, I had a picture of me sitting on our couch and pulling up the coffee-table and doing something on it. It was so weird, but I then felt a craving to do that, but thought, “What on earth would I have to do that I’d have to work there?!”
What could have been just a short while later, or the following morning, I’m not too sure, my mom asked me to help her make a sword for her costume for school (She was busy doing teaching-practice and everyone had to dress up). I got the cardboard, sat down on the couch, and as I pulled the table up I remembered and thought, “No way!”
Then that evening I did the same action to copy out my list of songs for song service the following day – without thinking about it, and then once again I remembered. Then the following evening I did the same thing to divide a pear to share with my older sister – same story. Then the following morning I went to peel an apple over the table, which I don’t normally do. Then I believe it was the Lord saying, “Sit; sit.” I didn’t, but He reminded me anyway. Then two mornings later I had to do something else for my mom and I sat on the couch with a clip-board. The Lord reminded me, and I thought, “Well, it’s close.” But then I had to pull up the coffee-table to complete the task.
Ok, and now you’re saying, “Yes, Lindy, very interesting, but what does it all mean?” That’s exactly what I was wondering. So, being me, I asked the Lord. But before I tell you what He answered, I’d like to direct you back to Today’s T’s Day 13 where I shared how the Lord told me exactly what to study for my exam. The story shared there happened the day before this one. The Lord’s answer was, “Lindy, I can predict what will be in your exam paper, and I can predict your future – when will you fully trust Me?”
God knows me inside-out; He knows my past and my future – I want to trust Him completely. Don’t You?

Today’s Task: Trust in the Lord with all your heart. He knows you; He knows what is best for you. He is totally trustworthy – trust God with your life. Never rely on your own understanding, always place yourself in God’s hands. Listen to Him speak. Follow wherever He leads. He loves you so much. Trust Him – fully; completely; totally!!!

Today’s Thanks: Lord I thank You that You are totally trustworthy. I thank You that we can safely place our lives in Your hands. Help us not to be anxious – but to trust. Help us not to follow our own thoughts, feelings and emotions. Help us to ask You for guidance in all things. I thank You that we trust in You with all our hearts and know that it is completely safe to do so. I thank You for Your faithfulness. I love You Lord. Amen.