His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Today’s Text: Hear, O my people, and I will testify unto thee: O Israel, if thou wilt hearken unto me. (Psalm 81:8)

Today’s Thoughts: God speaks in so many different ways, but sometimes He waits for us to hear and listen to what He has already instructed us before He will give us any further instruction. He speaks, but we must listen. He longs for us to hear Him. He wants us to listen to Him. Everything that He instructs us is for our own good. He cares about us. Be sure to listen to His voice.

Today’s Testimony: Today I’d like to share the story behind the name Revealing Christ Ministries.
When I started e-mailing Today’s T’s I was sending them from my personal e-mail address. My mom was a bit concerned with me giving out my personal address to so many people and a lot of total strangers, so I decided to get a separate e-mail account for ministry.
The Lord has given me three ministries so far and I thought I’d have one e-mail address for all three ministries instead of a separate one for each. So I had to decide on a “blanket” for my ministries.
I thought of one, and then went to create a g-mail account. I typed in the name as the e-mail address and it said that it was unavailable. I then tried something else and it was also unavailable. At some stage the Lord started impressing me, “Revealing Christ Ministries.” But I said, “I can’t put that. No one can reveal Christ. That’ll sound too forward. We can give others a better glimpse of Christ, but reveal Him?! I can’t put that”. So I kept trying. And the Lord kept impressing, “Revealing Christ Ministries.” Eventually I decided to take a break , and pray and think about it.
I was outside hanging washing during my break and I was still trying to get a good name, and the Lord was still trying to get me to realize that it definitely was Him speaking and that Revealing Christ Ministries was the name He’d chosen. Finally I said, “Ok, I’ll go back and put in revealingchristministries and if it’s available then that’s what it is, but if it’s not, then that’s obviously end of story and it’ll have to be something else.
I went back and typed it in and it was available. I stopped arguing and Revealing Christ Ministries became the blanket for the three ministries that I already have and any others that the Lord may give me.
Once I’d settled with that the Lord starting telling me what He wanted for the logo. I’ve been drawing and using a heart on the cross to represent Christ and His gift of Salvation for years, and the Lord told me that that was what He wanted. I’d already started designing a cross on “Paint” and I’d done the outline of a heart as one of the activities for Vacation Bible School. So I finished the cross, coloured and added the heart and then designed and added the title.
No one can reveal Christ, but God can use His ministries to reveal Himself to the world. He can speak through each and every one of us. It will not be us revealing Christ, but Him revealing Himself through us. So many people have a distorted view of our loving God, we need to reveal the real God to the world.

Today’s Task: Spend time with the Lord so that when He speaks you know His voice without a doubt. And if you know it is Him, don’t argue. God wants what’s best for you. Ask the Lord to help you to hear, and then to obey. Then keep listening for further instruction.

Today’s Thanks: Lord I thank You that You speak to us in so many ways. You can speak through Your Word, nature, other people, and also directly to us, either audibly or silently. Help us to hear Your voice and know that it’s You. Help us to obey Your instruction the first time. I thank You that You care about us so much, and want us to live happier, more fulfilled lives. I thank You for Your love. Amen.