His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Friday, March 11, 2011


Today’s Text:
Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. (Psalm 46:10)

Today’s Thoughts: Today we’re focusing on the second part of Psalm 23:2: He leadeth me beside the still waters. I love the sound of a gentle stream. Although I also love the sound of a furious waterfall. But a shepherd takes his sheep to drink at calm waters. But even more than that, he leads them beside those calm waters so that they can be refreshed at any time. They can also drink to prepare themselves for the dry parts of the journey. Today I’d like to compare the still waters to God’s peace. It is always there for us to drink from. Our Shepherd wants us to have peace no matter what we are going through. He can give us the peace that we need now, and give us peace for what He knows is coming our way. If we are stressing and keeping away from God’s river of peace, He might need to tell us to be still, to be quiet, and then when we can hear the calming sound of the stream, we can find His peace. We can then drink of God’s peace, and be refreshed.

Today’s Testimony: Last year as part of my studies I did two year modules. Both of them had rather complicated second assignments and they were both due shortly after the mid-year break. My year had been extremely busy. First I had to focus on the first assignments for my first semester modules; then the first assignments for my year modules; then the second assignments for the semester modules; then I had to study for and write my first semester exams; and then during the mid-year break I helped with two Vacation Bible Schools. Now I was left with two weeks each for my two second assignments for my year modules. It was recommended that we worked on them for three “months”. I prayed and left it all in the Lord’s hands.
One module was on couples counselling, and I had to interview a couple, and then five individuals. Firstly I had to design a brochure on conflict management and design an outline for my interview with the couple and a questionnaire for the five individuals. Then most importantly, I had to find people who were willing to be interviewed. I started stressing.
I got permission from a couple, and found a few individuals, but I still needed more. The morning I was to conduct all the interviews the Lord sent me a message. I’ve mentioned my alarm clock before, and it was a message through that. My alarm clock had been keeping time all night for ages. That morning I got up and went to the bathroom when my sister’s alarm clock went off, and when I got back the Lord said, “ Lindy, check your alarm clock.” I did and it had stopped. The Lord then said, “If I can intervene with your alarm clock, I can intervene with your assignment.” I needed that strength.
On the way to do my interviews and find more candidates I felt a strange sense of peace. Finally when I was on my way back home, and realized that everything was sorted out, the Lord said to me, “Be still my child, I am here.” That’s what He had been saying to my heart the whole day, but I only heard it then. God can give us an amazing sense of peace when we need it. We just need to be still, and know that He is there.
Both my assignments were sent off on time. I’ll share about the complications and God’s intervention with the other one at a later stage, but for now, let me say that I got distinctions for both of them. To get a distinction for a complicated assignment done in two weeks is humanly not possible, at least not for me, but my Tutor can do the impossible!

Today’s Task: Be still and know that the Lord is God. Know that He is with you. Know that He can do the impossible. Allow the Shepherd to lead you beside His still waters. Drink of His peace. We all need it. And then tell others about the peace that only God can give. Tell them what the Lord has done for you and can do for them too. Let our great God be exalted in all the earth.

Today’s Thanks: Lord I thank You for Your peace. I thank You that You care about Your sheep. I thank You that You supply all our needs. I pray that You will help us to be still and accept Your peace. I thank You for making it available to us. I pray in Christ’s name, Amen.