Today’s Text: Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 10:32)Today’s Thoughts: If we bear witness for Christ, He will bear witness for us before God. His followers must always have a testimony to share about how great our God truly is. If they do not have a testimony, then they, quite plainly, obviously haven’t been following Him enough. You cannot follow Christ and not see His hand working. When we share what Christ has done for us, He is even more willing to intercede on our behalf before His Father. Think about it: if we are sharing testimonies that glorify Him, He has an extra reason to bless us with more testimonies. Make sense? We truly do serve an amazing God!!!
Today’s Testimony: This last weekend I went to a church camp meeting. Last year while attending the same camp meeting it poured with rain quite a lot. Our tents were rather old and were far from successful in keeping the rain out. One morning we got four litres of water out of our tent. Some of our clothes that were in our bags got soaking wet. We even had to walk to some the meetings in the rain. I was really blessed throughout the weekend with the messages presented and through the conversations that the Lord and I had, but I wasn’t a very happy and dry camper.
This year had to be different. We still had to use the same old tents, except for fixing the zips (but the problem was more than that), and I was so concerned that we were going to get rained out again. Well, there was only one thing to do – I prayed. The weather forecast for that area was rain practically all weekend. But I knew that if it was my God’s will He could intervene.
It wasn’t raining when we arrived on Thursday afternoon and we managed to set up camp without a problem. On Friday morning there was a heavy mist but still we had had no rain. Later that day the weather looked pretty unpromising and I once again started pleading with the Lord to not let it rain. Sometimes He answers our prayers in the way we want just because He loves us, but I mentioned that I would share the amazing testimony via Today’s T’s if He held the rain back. The Lord then said to me, “If you do powerful things for me – I’ll do powerful things for you.” WOW! The Lord asked me to share a better glimpse of Him with the world, and seeing I am (Today’s T’s is available to the whole world) He has extra reason to bless me. Every blessing that He bestows is going to go forth as a powerful testimony of who He is and glorify His name.
One night it rained a bit during the night when everyone was safely inside their tents. Our tents didn’t flood like they did last year. Another night it drizzled a bit, but also didn’t flood our tents. I kept hearing people say that it was going to rain. But we didn’t see any rain near in comparison to the time before. The only other times that it rained (and every time the rain only lasted a few minutes), was early one morning when we were going off to the bathroom to get up and dressed (but it wasn’t raining hard at all). And then the other time I want to share in more detail….
My family and I stayed at the camp an extra day. Most of the campers left on Monday but we stayed till Tuesday. On Monday afternoon it was threatening to rain. I was praying. Finally it did rain for a bit. But soon passed and the sky cleared. We then watched the storm from a distance – lightning and all! God is so good!!! On Monday it started spitting just before we were ready to leave. The whole weekend we stayed pretty dry. God is really so good!!! I want to continue to share His goodness for as long as I can.
Today’s Task: Share the testimonies of what the Lord has done for you with as many people as you can. Know that He can work miracles. Take every concern to Him no matter how big or small it may seem. He wants to bless you. He loves you. Meet the Lord and give the rest of the world a better glimpse of your wonderful Saviour.
Today’s Thanks: O Lord I thank You that You bless us simply because You love us. I praise You that You bless us so that we can share the testimonies and glorify Your name. Help us to entrust You with every problem. Help us to share what You have done for us. Lord may we truly be Your followers so that You can say to Your Father, “This is my child, and therefore his/her sins are covered with my righteous life.” We want to be Your children and be clear before God. Help us to live in You. I thank You for Your love. Amen.