His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Monday, April 18, 2011


Today’s Text: Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. (Matthew 6:8)

Today’s Thoughts: In the verse prior to this one Jesus mentions the heathen who pray vain repetitions thinking that the Lord hears them due to how much they say, but Jesus says that God already knows what we need – prayer is something far more personal. He wants us to talk to Him about our needs, but it’s never in order to fill Him in on what’s happening in our lives – He knows that. Prayer is an expression of faith. We ask, hopefully because we believe that God will hear and grant. No matter how many words we pray, or how eloquent our prayers sound, it really makes no difference. God want us to talk to Him because we have a relationship with Him. He is a personal God. He knows our needs before we ask, and He will often step in to answer them long before we’ve even thought to ask; sometime before we’ve even encountered the problem. God is so good. He loves to bless his children.

Today’s Testimony: A while ago I mentioned about the Lord blessing me with two Afrikaans Bibles (Today’s T’s Day 61). I bought the first one before leaving for Cape Town one year.
While in Cape Town that year, one day while I was washing my hands, I was thinking how much I’d love to have an Afrikaans hymnal. My twin sister and I share a room, and my older sister was sitting in our room on the floor looking through some stuff we’d been given that had belonged to my aunt, who had passed away earlier that year. I walked out of the bathroom and as I walked into our room Toni said, “Here, this is for you.” Need I say that it was an Afrikaans hymnal?!!!
That one was a word edition. I have since been blessed with a word and music edition. My step-dad’s brother immigrated to the States, and had given us a few things. One of those things was an Afrikaans hymnal, words and music. I had my eye on it, and finally my older sister asked my mom if I could have it. I now own two Afrikaans hymnals. God is so good!!!
God knows what we need, but He also knows what we want. He knows our needs and wants long before we ask. If it is in His will to grant our petitions, He will surely grant them. God loves to make His children smile.

Today’s Task: Talk to the Lord about your needs and wants. He knows them all, but He wants you to share everything with Him. Do not pray thoughtlessly, speak as though you are speaking to your Best Friend – I hope He is your Best Friend. But I do know that He is the greatest Friend you will ever have. Take your requests to God, He will answer – He might already be answering. And then please, never ever forget to thank Him.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I thank You that You hear each and every prayer. I thank You that You know our needs and wants before we ask. I thank You that You answer them in the way that You know best. Please help us to trust You. Please help us to come to know you personally as our Best Friend. I thank You for being the greatest Friend we could ever have. I love You Lord. Amen.