Today’s Text: And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:13)Today’s Thoughts: If we truly want to know the Lord we need to look for Him. We need to search for Him with all our hearts. We need a better and true glimpse of who God really is. We need to meet Him. He wants us to know Him. If we seek Him we will find Him. If we do not seek Him we may never find Him. God is so much greater than we could ever fathom. He is a personal God who wants to know you personally and wants you to know Him personally. Do not look for Him in this world. Call on Him and He will reveal Himself to you. He cares about you enough to complete your search.
Today’s Testimony: Today you’re reading the 80th testimony. There’s something that I haven’t shared yet, and that’s the testimony of the experience that I had as a young child that first convinced me that there was a God and that He truly did care.
I cannot remember just how old I was, but I know that I was in Primary school. I was in the kitchen, I can’t remember what I was doing in there, but I accidentally knocked over a small glass bottle. We had had so many items smash to pieces on that floor, and as it fell, I knew it would break, and that I would be in trouble (whether I would have been in trouble or not, I do not know, but you know kids – always expecting trouble).
The bottle fell; bounced on the floor; but did not break!!! Yes we could get technical and say that there was probably a logical explanation as to why the bottle did not break, but I’ll be honest – I don’t care. To me as a child that experience said, “God is real”. I kept the memory of that miracle with me throughout the rest of my life. At that stage I didn’t know the Lord personally, but I knew that He existed.
Because I knew that He was definitely real, I later decided to search for Him. A few years after I began my search the Lord came and revealed Himself to me through the testimonies about one of my other ministries, Praise Corner (Today’s T’s Day 32- 43). Since then I have been on a continual journey of meeting the Lord. There is no year when I can look back and say that I have not grown in my relationship with the Lord. I know of many people that can preach Christ, but I know of few that can actually show Christ. I couldn’t find the real God through what people said and did, and therefore in desperation I had to look for something more. I searched for the Lord with all my heart and I found Him. I will never look back.
Today’s Task: Search for the Lord with all your heart. Seek Him now; do not wait. He is waiting for you to search for Him. He is waiting for you to find Him. When He reveals Himself to you please take notice and accept Him into your life. He loves you so much. He wants you to know Him. The King of the universe wants to have a close and personal relationship with you. Please allow Him to speak to your heart today.
Today’s Thanks: O Lord I praise You that You – God, Creator, King of the universe – want to have a relationship with each one of us individually. Please help us to search for You with all our hearts. I thank You that You will be found by those who truly search for You. I thank You that You reveal Yourself to Your people. Please continue to give us a better glimpse of You. I thank You for Your great love. Amen.