Today’s Text: He delivereth me from mine enemies: yea, thou liftest me up above those that rise up against me: thou hast delivered me from the violent man. (Psalm 18:48)Today’s Thoughts: Today we’re looking at the second part of Psalm 23:5. The Lord can prepare a table before us in the presence of our enemies. He can bless us so abundantly right before our enemy’s eyes. He can deliver us from our enemies and leave them speechless. He can lift us up above those that try to belittle us. God is our Shepherd – our enemies are God’s enemies – He will intervene.
Today’s Testimony: I only really have one enemy, and that’s Satan himself. He does all sorts of things to interfere with the tasks the Lord gives me. I’ve mentioned before that Satan hates this ministry and I’ve mentioned some of the things he does to interfere, and then how God intervenes. Today I’m going to share some more, and then tell you how God does not let that stop His purposes – He still glorifies His name.
When I went to update Today’s T’s blog after e-mailing the previous one, I somehow managed to accidently delete the entire archive page (that’s where all the past Today’s T’s are available for downloading or simply to view). I emailed my technical manager and he was able to recover up until Day 38. I had to redo the other 20. It didn’t take too long and I didn’t get chucked out of Blogger while fixing the archive page. God is so good!
Now let me share some of the blessings about blog views. The biggest blessing is that there is a certain website that has Today’s T’s blog as the first recommended site to visit while waiting for their service. Many people have visited the blog through that avenue. As for who has viewed the blog, let me simply share all the places that have viewed so far. Firstly, the most views have been from South Africa. Then we have quite a few views from the United States. We have then had views from the United Arab Emirates, Singapore, China, Russia, Iran and Indonesia. And most of those places have viewed more than once. God is so good! Probably a lot of those people had no idea that they were going to visit a Christian site, but I hope that what they read or saw spoke to their hearts. The whole world needs a Saviour, and only Christ can save them.
Satan keeps trying to attack this ministry, but God keeps blessing it. My biggest blessing lately was when I received an e-mail from someone who is now a good friend of mine. He shared his testimony and how much Today’s T’s means to him. After I read his e-mail I was left praising and saying, “That’s what Today’s T’s is for!” It’s to reach those who really need it. His testimony really gave me an extra boost of strength to go on. God knew I needed some encouragement, so He impressed a Today’s T’s recipient to e-mail me. God is so good!!! He sets a table full of blessings before me, in the very presence of Satan. Our Shepherd cares about His sheep!
Today’s Task: Trust in the Lord. He can deliver you from all your enemies and all your trials. He will never leave you to fight the battle on your own. Ask Him to set your table in the presence of your enemies. Then be sure to let them know that it’s your God that has blessed you – they need Him.
Today’s Thanks: O Lord I thank You that You are God, and therefore can save us from any enemy. Please bless us and let our enemies see and know that we serve an absolutely amazing and loving God. Help us to use each and every blessing as a powerful witness for You. I thank You that You will fight against our enemies. Please help us to trust in You completely. Amen.