His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Today’s Text: Howbeit Jesus suffered him not, but saith unto him, Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee. (Mark 5:19)

Today’s Thoughts: Jesus had just cast several demons out of a man and into a herd of about two thousand pigs. The pigs had then run straight off the cliff into the sea and drowned. The people of that town then told Him to leave. But the man who had been set free pleaded to go with Jesus. Our text for today is Jesus’ response.
God wants us to tell all those that we know and all those that we can what He has done for us. A personal testimony of what the Lord has done is the most powerful witness for the Lord. God is real. God is good. Go and tell the world.

Today’s Testimony: Toward the end of 2007 the Lord had started helping me to prepare a revival seminar in which I would share my testimony and then share a few other topics. I thought I would probably only present it sometime in the future and thought to finish the preparations before going about organizing to present it. But while sitting in a meeting at my church a while later I realized that time is running out, and the Lord told me to arrange to present the revival seminar as soon as possible.
I asked Him how to go about organizing it and we decided that I would phone my youth leader and ask if I could present it as a youth week-of-prayer. I then had three requests: If I was to phone my youth leader I wanted the Lord to intervene so that I could be home alone while I phoned. And then I wanted my youth leader to answer the phone herself and also have time to talk.
During that week there was one day that I was home alone, which doesn’t happen often. I phoned and my youth leader answered. She also had time to talk. She said that it was a wonderful idea and we planned to hold the revival seminar early the following year. God is so good!
I presented the revival seminar at the end of April, 2008. The Lord had told me that I needed to tell the world what He had done for me, and that’s what I did. I shared my testimony about Praise Corner, in spite of the fact that at that stage it didn’t have a very good ending. The story of the Lord’s intervention unfolds from here. There are a number of very important events that led up to the Lord providing so that I could get out of debt. I hope that each one will speak to your heart and draw you closer to the Saviour. We truly do serve an amazing God!
The Lord has since told me to tell what He has done for me via email every week day. People all around the world receive Today’s T’s. He asks us to share Him, and then He opens the doors. Are you ready to walk through them?

Today’s Task: Tell the world what the Lord has done for you. Tell as many people as you can. Pray for the courage, opportunity and words. Some of you may be called to do it on a public scale to many people at once; others may only be called to share individually one-on-one. Ask the Lord to lead you and help you to share – He will. The world is dying in need of a Saviour. Do you care?

Today’s Thanks: Lord I thank You that You do so much for us. I thank You that You have given us the privilege of sharing what You have done for us. Lord please give us courage, opportunity and words. Help us to tell the world what You have done for us. I thank You that You will go with us as we share You and speak through us. I thank You that You can speak through all of us no matter how inadequate we may feel. I thank You for Your great love. Amen.