Today’s Text: Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me.(Psalm 51:2,3)Today’s Thoughts: If we acknowledge our sin and repent of it God will forgive us and cleanse us. He will not leave us partly clean – He will wash us thoroughly. However, in order for us to be cleansed we have to first realize and admit that we need cleansing. We then need to ask the Lord to cleanse us, and allow Him to do so. It doesn’t help if we still cling to our dirt, we need to let go of the sin that got us filthy in the first place. Only God can give us that true repentance. Only He can help us to then remain clean. Ask Him to help you; ask Him to cleanse you. He longs to make you clean.
Today’s Testimony: After I shared my testimony during my revival seminar I was confronted about how wrong it was for me to have gotten into debt to the Lord. I had felt terrible about it and intended to pay the money back as soon as possible, but I hadn’t realized just how serious it was.
When it was brought to my attention I decided that I would never ever “borrow” money from the Lord again. I haven’t and I no longer need to. I have learnt to wait on the Lord, and as hard as it is sometimes, He has never failed me. I still have so many amazing stories to share about God providing for my every need. I so wish I had had enough faith to simply trust Him in the first place, but the learning experience has been priceless.
I was also told that I should no longer continue putting money aside for Praise Corner, apart from paying back my debt, but I will not share the reasons for that because they are unnecessary. But not being able to give added to the testimony, even though the money no longer increased. I’ll share that at a later stage. God always works all things out for our good and His praise when we place our trust totally in Him.
I had finally realized that I had sinned against the Lord, and I had repented. He cleansed me right then and there. God does that! He doesn’t say, “First you need to make it right.” Yes sometimes there are things that we need to make right first as part of true repentance, but some things will take time, and others can never be made right. Our Lord is a tender, loving Saviour. He longs for us to come to Him in repentance. He is only too willing to forgive us.
Today’s Task: Is everything right between you and the Lord? I invite you to turn to Him for forgiveness. Ask Him to help you to live wholly for Him. Ask Him to reveal every single filthy spot to you so that you can surrender it to Him for cleansing. If you find you struggle to remain clean, trust in the Lord, lean on Him. He will give you strength. Never give up on yourself – God hasn’t. He still loves you so much. Please go to Him right now.
Today’s Thanks: O Lord I praise You that You did not leave us to die in our sins – You came and died in our place so that we can live with You eternally. I thank You that You still do not leave us in our sins – You are more than willing to forgive us if we turn to You and repent. Lord help us to remain faithful to You. Please cleanse us from our sinful ways; wash us thoroughly; we long to be clean. I thank You for Your forgiveness. Amen.