Today’s Text: Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? he retaineth not his anger for ever, because he delighteth in mercy. (Micah 7:18)Today’s Thoughts: God is never pleased when we sin, but He does not remain angry. He forgives our sins if we ask Him to. He delights in showing mercy to His people. He cares when we reap the consequences of our sin. His heart cries with us whenever we are experiencing pain – even if we brought it on ourselves through sin. God hates sin, but He loves the sinner.
Today’s Testimony: Now the next thing I’m going to share with you is something I am not proud of. I do not remember the exact order of events, but let me share how I think it must have happened. How it happened is not what is important, but I need to add this story in because it leads to one of the most amazing parts of my testimony. It also serves as a reminder that I also make mistakes and disappoint the Lord. But one thing that I’m really thankful for is that God has never and will never disappoint me.
I needed money. I cannot remember what for, but I am sure that it was not a case of, “I like that skirt, let me borrow money from Praise Corner.” I believe, as far as I can remember, that it was more a cost that I could see no way around. I have since learnt to trust God to provide, and I hope that I will always continue to wait on Him. Well, I borrowed money from Praise Corner. I did not see anything wrong with it at the time, and I intended to pay the money back when I got the next month’s money from my dad. But the next month something else came up, and somehow the necessities outweighed the income and I got hopelessly indebt to Praise Corner. And to put it plainly, I was in debt to the Lord.
How I managed to allow myself to go so far I do not know. But I was eventually R600indebt. That’s more than a giving period. I’m not sure about this, but I think that I had repaid my debt after returning from Cape Town (2007), added an extra R100, which was all I could afford, and then somehow managed to sink back into debt. Like I said, I am not sure that that is what happened, but I do know that Praise Corner had R3100 to its name according to my record.
But the greatest part about this whole experience, or should I say the only good thing, is that the Lord was merciful to me. He intervened in such an amazing way that I find it almost hard to believe. The next section of my testimony about how I got out of debt is what I think is the greatest part of my testimony so far. I know that the Lord forgave me because He still entrusted me with two other ministries. The one is Today’s T’s which is blessing many lives; the other ministry you will be hearing about soon. All three of them are sub-ministries of Revealing Christ Ministries. And that name was also chosen by the Lord. I’ll share that testimony too sometime.
God is so merciful. He loves us. He longs to pardon each and every one of us. We just need to repent and surrender to Him. We’re safest in His care.
Today’s Task: Do you ever feel unworthy of God’s mercy? Ever think that the Lord should never and would never forgive you? We are all unworthy of God’s mercy and do not deserve to be forgiven, but God cares about us too much to not forgive us if we ask Him to. Ask Him for His forgiveness today, right now. Please surrender to the Lord. He longs to show You His mercy. Don’t break God’s heart by rejecting His mercy, His forgiveness is for everyone.
Today’s Thanks: O Lord I thank You that You are so merciful to sinful people like us. You do not have to forgive us; You did not have to pay the death penalty in our place, but You did because You could not bear to lose any of us. Lord please help us to fully surrender to You. We don’t want to break Your heart by rejecting Your gift of Salvation. I thank You that You love each and every one of us more than we will ever be able to comprehend. Amen.