Today’s Text: Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his. (Daniel 2:20)Today’s Thoughts: Wisdom belongs to God. God knows everything. If you we have problems – He knows exactly what they are, and He knows how to solve them. If we have decisions to make – He Knows exactly what options we have, and which one is best to choose. The only problem that we have is that we often are not sure what the Lord’s wise solution is. God does speak. He speaks in so many different ways. Might belongs to God. Nothing is impossible for Him. He can intervene in all situations. We need to earnestly ask Him to guide us to do what He knows is best. What we think is best is not good enough. Wisdom belongs to God and God alone. Any wisdom that we have is His wisdom that He has given us. God knows all things. Listen for His voice.
Today’s Testimony: My older sister, Toni, bought R5 airtime for my cell-phone. I paid her for it, and then saved the loading codes on my phone so I could load the airtime when I needed it. Finally I needed it, and tried to load it, but the airtime wouldn’t load. It simply said, “Result unknown.”
I’m often told that I shouldn’t keep the airtime so long and should load it straight away, but I only buy it for emergencies, so I’d rather take the risk of losing it than to simply waste it. I knew that if I’d lost the airtime it was my own fault, but I was still sad and kept retrying to load it by using the codes directly off the till-slip. It may have only been R5, but I couldn’t afford to have wasted it. And I don’t believe in wasting money. My final option was going to be to dial the number on the slip and load the airtime by following the voice prompts, but I didn’t get that far.
When I found the till-slip and unfolded it to get the codes I needed, I sub-consciously took a mental photograph of the large words naming the cell-phone network: MTN. While I was taking my problem to the Lord and pleading for Him to intervene, I kept seeing: “MTN”… “MTN”. Finally my prayer came to an abrupt halt and I said, “I’m not MTN, I’m Cell C!!!” (I used to use MTN, and my sister had accidently bought the wrong airtime, or had been given the wrong airtime.) I then praised the Lord for speaking, in once again an extremely unusual way. The problem was easily fixed – I gave the airtime to my mom who uses MTN, and she bought me Cell C airtime.
God knew exactly what my REAL problem was, and He knew exactly how to solve it. God is wise and mighty; there is nothing that He cannot do. I’m glad that He is my God!
Today’s Task: Whenever you have a problem listen for God to speak. Trust Him – He knows what’s best. Take every concern to the Lord, He can do all things and He cares about you. Never ever underestimate the power of God. Know that He can speak in the strangest ways. Take every decision to His feet – He knows what is best to do. Then listen very carefully for His answer.
Today’s Thanks: Lord I thank You that wisdom and might belong to You. Please give us wisdom to know what to do in every situation, and strength to follow through with what You lead. Help us to listen for Your voice. Please let us hear it. Lord help us to fully trust You. I thank You that we can trust Your leading because You are totally trustworthy. I thank You that You speak. I love You Lord. Amen.