His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Today’s Text: O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. (Psalm 34:8)

Today’s Thoughts: This text sums up the whole reason why I am sending out “Today’s T’s”. I want the whole world to taste the God that I know. I want everyone to see for themselves that my God is good and the greatest Friend that they will ever have. So how do you taste Him? Don’t ask me. Seriously, ask God Himself – you can. But I also firmly believe that sometimes we need to make space for Him. If we’re all sorting out our own lives, where are we wanting to see His hand?! O friend, give the Lord room to work. Taste and see that He truly is good.

Today’s Testimony: Now for some more of my testimony about Praise Corner. Just before my sisters and I flew down to Cape Town, I placed my last R20 note in the offering-plate at church. I went down to Cape Town broke, but trusting.
I had to wait a while before getting money, but I eventually received some. After I’d received most of the money I would get I had R800. R500 was set aside for Praise Corner, I set some aside to return tithe and offering to the Lord, and I was left with R150. I spent some; received some more; and was once again left with R150.
Now there’s something very special about that R150, but I’ll share that with you at a later stage. I know, I also would love to share it now, but I’d like to go into depth about it and talk heart to heart. God really is so good!
During those December holidays I had truly tasted that the Lord is good, and I had yet to see so much more. He stretched and provided; He still does. I’d given Him place to reveal His hand, and He was truly taking hold of the opportunity. He longs for you to do the same.
I was now back in Durban; I’d put aside R150 for Praise Corner, which now had R1500; and I had a concern that I voiced to the Lord. I said, “But Lord, R500 increase per year is not going to increase very fast.”
He intervened!!! My dad and step-mom came up to Durban that year for my twin sister and my birthday. They brought money from themselves and other family members. I was able to put aside another R500. That’s 2 years – R2000. God is so good! And O, I was left with R200 after returning my tithe and offering, if that means anything to anyone; but it will later. We truly serve a loving and powerful God!

Today’s Task: O friend, I so encourage you to taste and see that the Lord is good. Give Him place to reveal His hand in your life. It might be by giving Him a portion of money that forces you to rely totally on Him to provide – He will (I’ve seen it). It might be in another way. That’s why I said you must ask Him. He knows exactly what you need to do in order to make place for His hand. Give God a chance. He cares about you so much. He longs for you to know Him personally. O taste and see that the Lord is so good.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord, thank You that You are a very personal God. I praise You that You are so good. Help us to taste You. We need to. We need to know You. Please reveal to us if there is anything that You would have us do in order to make space for Your loving hand. And Lord, then please give us the faith and strength to do it. You truly are good. Amen.