Today’s Text: I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. (Psalm 32:8)Today’s Thoughts: God sees all and knows all. He knows what is best for us to do in each situation. In His wisdom He can instruct us in what to do, and He can teach us the way to go. He can guide us in the course that He sees as best. He cares about our well-being.
Today’s Testimony: I once had an assignment due and I wasn’t totally sure what my lecturer wanted. The day before I had to submit it, my youth group were doing door-to-door ministry, and I felt that that was more important. I had written so many thoughts, but my assignment was far from finished. I knew that the Lord could help me when I got home. He blesses when we choose the things of Him.
When I sat down to work on my assignment I wondered if I should have rather stayed home and worked on my assignment. I was stressed. But the Lord gave me such peace.
I’d asked the Lord to be my Tutor throughout my studies, and so He stepped in. He said to me, “Write this… Delete that… Move this there…”. He led me through the completion of my assignment. I submitted it on time.
That wasn’t my assignment – it was God’s. And when God does something, He always does it to the best of His ability. Of course He had my input here and there, that’s why we didn’t get 100%. But we did get a distinction. I’ve got the best Instructor in the world.
God can instruct us in every detail of our lives, we simply need to ask Him to be our Guide.
Today’s Task: Ask God to be your Instructor, Teacher and Guide. Only He knows what is truly best for you in every situation. He knows what you should do in every circumstance. Trust Him. He won’t disappoint you.
Today’s Thanks: Lord I thank You for Your instruction, teaching and guidance in the past. I pray that You will be an Instructor, Teacher and Guide to each and every one of us. You know all things. You can see our past and future. Help us to allow You to Guide us in the path that You know is best for us. I thank You for Your love. Amen.