Today’s Text: For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8, 9)Today’s Thoughts: Let me start by saying that God’s thoughts on this text would be
higher than mine. But I’m going to give you my much lower thoughts. Firstly, let us look at the previous text, verse 7, so we can be sure to use today’s text in its proper context.
The previous text says that the unrighteous man must forsake his thoughts. What are the thoughts of an unrighteous man? To put it plainly, they are unrighteous thoughts.
We as humans think evil thoughts, worldly thoughts, destructive thoughts, but our
loving Heavenly Father thinks good, heavenly and constructive thoughts.
God is good, and only good. His thoughts are good, and His ways are good. We will not always understand His reasoning, but we can have a peaceful trust in knowing that God knows what is best. From our earthly view, we think things should be one way, but from God’s heavenly, all-knowing view, He sees that things are far better a totally different way.
Today’s Testimony: One evening when my family and I arrived at our church for prayer-meeting we spotted an animal sitting outside the church hall. It turned out to be a bunny. We tried to catch it, but to no effect. I prayed for that bunny during the course of that week. I was concerned that it would get eaten by a cat.
The following week when I stepped out of the hall after prayer-meeting the bunny came bounding down the grass toward me. I encouraged it to come to me and we eventually caught it. In short, that bunny became my baby, and he was the sweetest little bunny ever. He honestly was more like a puppy than a bunny. He would play with me, give and receive affection, sulk, misbehave and do all the things a little child would do. I loved him so much and he meant so much to me. You had to have seen us together to truly understand what I mean. No one ever did, he was only his normal affectionate self when it was just us.
Then after I’d had him for just over a year, my sisters and I flew to Cape Town to see our dad and family. About a week before we were to fly back home to Pinetown, my mom phoned. Some family had been staying at our house and they had brought their puppy with them. The day they were to leave, their puppy had gotten into my baby’s cage and killed him.
At that stage my greatest concern was that the family didn’t feel too bad, but yes, it did hit me hard. Yes, I cried. But after the tears, that same day, I wrote a song. I hope you will be able to hear it one day. In short, it was a song of praise because God knows what is best. These are the words of the chorus:
Lord I praise You, for the blessings you bestow
And for the strength You give, when the blessings go
Lord, You know what I need, and when I need it too
O Lord, in spite of all the pain, I still praise You.
Today there is so much turmoil and heartache in this world. We need to get to know our God, so that we can trust Him no matter what. If you are still confused about why we see so much evil, please do not forget that Satan is still very much alive and knows his time is short. But God is good – always good, and only good.And for the strength You give, when the blessings go
Lord, You know what I need, and when I need it too
O Lord, in spite of all the pain, I still praise You.
Today’s Task: Trust the Lord. When you can’t trace His hand – trust His heart. He loves you so much, and He truly does care about you. Praise Him for His blessings.
Today’s Thanks: O Lord I praise You! I thank You that Your thoughts are not like our thoughts. You think good, and only good. Help us to come to know Your heart, so that we can trust it. O Lord, please give us a peaceful trust in You. Amen