Today’s Text: And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. (John 14:13)Today’s Thoughts: Our text for today says: “Whatever you ask”. What kind of things do you ask the Lord for? Do you only go to Him when you’re in a crisis? Do you ever think some things are just too petty? God wants to work miracles for you – big and small. If He knows it is best for you, and that it will give glory to His name, He will give you your request. He loves you and longs to bless you.
Today’s Testimony: Yesterday I mentioned my prayer-diary. Today I’d like to share a testimony and quote from my prayer-diary.
One evening during the time I was writing my matric exams, I opened up my prayer-diary to record a blessing, and this is what I wrote first: “Lord, tonight I can’t concentrate, and it’s not because of what’s happening in my life – it’s because of this fly! This continual, tone-changing buzzing is so frustrating. But, thanks Lord, I hadn’t even asked You yet. Please let it remain seated, at least until I’m done writing. You are so good – fly or no fly!”
The next day after writing a paragraph about all the messages the Lord sends simply to say, “I love you child”, I wrote: “Oh yes, about that fly… thank You once again! It only took flight again just before I put the light off, and then it soon settled down. It’s not here tonight. See, this is one of those messages. Thank You Lord, I love You!”
God cares about even the little details of our lives. Nothing that is a concern to us is too big or small to take to our Heavenly Father. He is good; and He is God!
Today’s Task: Take your problems to the Lord no matter how petty or impossible they may seem. God can do all things – and “all” means anything and everything. If God doesn’t answer your prayer in the way you hoped He would, remember that He knows what is best for you. He is a God of love. To put it plainly: God “is” love. He can be nothing less than love, and you get nothing more than His love. Try Him. Take your requests to Him. Prepare to see miracles.
Today’s Thanks: O Lord I praise You that we can come to You with anything and everything! I thank You that you care about our big problems and our small problems. I thank You that nothing is too big or too small for You to intervene. You care, and I praise You. Lord, I thank You for Your love. Amen.