His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Today’s Text: Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.(Philippians 4:11)

Today’s Thoughts: Paul was writing to the Philippians in this text. In the previous text he told them how joyful he was that they were once again caring for some of his needs. He said that he knew that they only stopped for a while because they no longer had the opportunity to care for his needs. He then wrote that he did not want them to think that he said this because he was in need, because he had learned to be content no matter what he faced in life. We too need to learn to be content no matter what we face and no matter what we have or don’t have. The only way to obtain this state of contentment is through Jesus Christ. He can help us to be content in all situations. All we need to do is ask.

Today’s Testimony: A while ago I mentioned the pledge that I took of asking, “What would Jesus do?” before doing anything. I can’t tell you that everything that I do is exactly what Jesus would do, and I also can’t tell you that I always remember to ask this question, but for certain things, it has become a way of life.
We were in a shop once and my sisters were trying to convince me to buy a small animal soft-toy. The Lord reminded me of my pledge. I definitely didn’t need it, so I left it there on the shelf. It felt so good to know that I had not wasted money on something that I didn’t need.
There were also so many times that I would see an item of clothing that was so “me”, but I would simply smile knowing that I did not need it, and that God had a greater purpose for me and my money. It brought me joy to think of the reason why I couldn’t just buy everything I saw.
Then there were the times that I did need something. At those times one of two things would happen. So many times the Lord would provide for my needs, but on other occasions He would simply help me to be content with what I already had.
I thought I needed new open and closed smart shoes – the Lord helped me to be content with two pairs that I hadn’t worn for a while and was planning to give away. I thought I needed a new jacket – the Lord helped me to be content with one that I thought I needed to replace and one that I hadn’t worn for a while because I didn’t like it so much. I thought I needed a new jersey – the Lord helped me to be content with one that I hadn’t worn for a while. These are only a few of the stories of the Lord helping me to be content with what I had, and not long for the things that I didn’t really need. In His perfect timing He has always provided what I needed.
My life has been very interesting and so exciting. I have so many more amazing stories to share. Life is never dull when you step into the Lord’s will for your life. Many may think I could have been better off if I’d spent all the money I’d set aside for the Lord on my own “needs”. But my opinion is that my greatest need is to know the Lord, and I doubt I would know Him like I do if it wasn’t for setting money aside for Praise Corner and watching the Lord bless and provide.
All I can say is that He taught me to be content, and I still am.

Today’s Task: Are you content? If you’re not content with what you have, ask the Lord to help you to see if you have a need or simply a want. Ask Him to make you content with what you have unless He has a better plan. If you’re not content with situations in your life, ask the Lord to give you His peace and help you to be content. Maybe He will change your situation too. I also encourage you once again to make room for the Lord to bless you. If you are content and truly lack nothing, ask the Lord if there is anything that he would rather have elsewhere. He might know of someone who needs your money or possessions far more than you do. I know I still have to work on this one. Ask the Lord to make you content no matter what comes your way.

Today’s Thanks: Lord I thank You that You can help us to be content no matter what we have or what we face. You can give us peace. You can provide for all our needs. We do not need to worry about them. Lord help us to truly be content. Lord help us to realize that our greatest need is You. Lord may we be discontent without You, and content even if You’re all we have. Amen.