Today’s Text: Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. (Psalm 68:19)Today’s Thoughts: The Lord blesses us every single day. Most of God’s blessings we take for granted – food, clothes, life, health, and other things that we so often forget to praise the Lord for. He also blesses us with so many other things that we often do not even notice. I can’t wait to get to Heaven and find out about all the blessings that I did not even know about. God loves to bless His children with benefits. Believe it.
Today’s Testimony: I learnt to budget and use my money wisely because of putting money aside for Praise Corner. There was no extra money to be wasted, and I’m glad, because I don’t believe in wasting money.
I had needs and God provided. He often blesses me with sales and specials. He also knows just how to provide for me when I wouldn’t accept the blessing myself. Let me explain….
My older sister, Toni, would so often come home from the shops and say, “I bought you something!” She’d say what it was, and then, knowing that I was on a tight budget, I would say, “Take it back.” She would then say, “But you haven’t seen it yet!” I’d then take it to the Lord in prayer. He impressed me to try whatever it was on. If it didn’t fit or I didn’t like it then the problem was solved;otherwise I’d have to return to the Lord for further guidance.
I kept most, if not all, of the items Toni bought for me. If I sent anything back it was because it either didn’t fit or I didn’t like it. God knew what I needed, and He knew what I would and would not buy, so He sent Toni to shop for me.
To get back to the blessings of sales, one day Toni came home with a skirt that she’d found on sale at R70 and bought for me. We went through the same conversation as every other time, with me eventually deciding to buy the skirt – as usual. She had paid with a R100 note and said that if I gave her a R100 note she would give me the change. So I gave her R100, and she tipped out the change on my bed. I then said to her, “That’s too much!” We then looked at the till-slip. I got my skirt for half-price off the sale price. R35 for a skirt! Toni then said, “That’s so unfair, how come you always get such bargains.” I just smiled to myself and praised the Lord. I knew.
Today’s Task: I challenge you to give money to the Lord. Give until it’s uncomfortable; give until it hurts. God will bless you so much. He has always provided for my needs, and He has blessed me with an amazing testimony about His providence. I met the Lord through seeing His hand in His providence. Please, make room for God’s hand. Give to the Lord and watch Him bless and provide – you won’t regret it.
Today’s Thanks: O Lord I thank You for all Your benefits. I praise You that not a day goes by that You do not bless us in some way or another. I thank You that You provide, no matter what our needs may be. You can provide for us financially, Spiritually and in so many other areas of our lives. Lord help us to trust You. Help us to make room for Your hand to bless us so that we can see You for who You really are. Lord I thank You for Your great love. Amen.