His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Today’s Text: Lead me, O LORD, in thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face. (Psalm 5:8)

Today’s Thoughts: Today we’re focusing on the second part of Psalm 23:3.A shepherd uses his staff to keep his sheep together and on the right road. These days they also use dogs to herd the sheep. Our heavenly Shepherd wants to keep us in His chosen path; He wants to keep us on the road toward Heaven. Sometimes we’re tempted to stray from God’s way because we feel that “fair’s fair”. We want to retaliate, and get our enemies back; or we don’t want to do what others ask us to do because we feel it is unfair. God doesn’t call us to decide when to act righteously, He leads us in that path all the time. We need to do what’s right in His eyes at all times, and simply leave Him to intervene if the situation is unfair. It’s definitely not easy, but God knows that. He will give us strength. Trust Him, and follow Him.

Today’s Testimony: One morning I went into the kitchen for breakfast and my step-dad asked me to grind up some seeds for his breakfast. We were both wanting to eat and I needed to grind up my own seeds too. In all fairness, according to the human heart, we should each have to grind our own seeds. But the Lord requires us to be obedient, and so I, not exactly very joyfully, but silently, ground up my step-dad’s seeds.
While I was busy the Lord and I had a talk about it. I knew that He wanted me to grind up those seeds whether it was fair or not, so we started talking about what He would have done. Jesus would have done every task that His earthly parents set before Him with joy. He would have been more than willing to be of service to them. The thought of the task being unfair never would have crossed His mind. And I said, “Lord, I can’t imagine myself doing this joyfully.”
The best option the following day, in human terms, would have been to make myself scarce and not be around when my step-dad was preparing his breakfast. But according to God’s way, that was not an option. I ground up my step-dad’s seeds the following morning, but I can’t remember what went through my mind.
The third day was when the real change took place. I went into the kitchen and quickly ground up my step-dad’s seeds before he got into the kitchen to ask. I did it as quickly as possible so I could surprise him when he asked. When he did come and ask me to grind up his seeds I could joyfully tell him that they were already ground up and waiting.
That was the last day that he asked me to grind his seeds. After that he ground them himself. In my opinion, the Lord simply wanted to teach me how to walk in His way of righteousness. Once I’d past the “test” I no longer needed to grind my step-dad’s seeds. The Lord often chooses other methods of training for me, and that’s because He wants me to live in Him and for Him. He wants each of us to follow Him as He leads us in His paths of righteousness. Will you follow Him?

Today’s Task: Forget what the world says is fair and unfair. Follow the Lord’s way no matter what, at all costs. Allow Him to lead you in paths of righteousness. Follow your Shepherd joyfully. God’s way is the best way. He blesses His faithful sheep.

Today’s Thanks: Lord I thank You that You are a faithful Shepherd. Help us to be faithful sheep. I thank You that You do not leave us to stray in the paths of unrighteousness, but lead us in the paths of righteousness. Lord help us to follow You – always. I thank You that You care about Your sheep so much. Amen.