Today’s Text: He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. (Psalm 23:2)Today’s Thoughts: Today we’re going to focus on the first part of this text. A Shepherd never takes his sheep to dry grass, or rocky mountain to graze, he always looks for the best pastures. In those lush, green pastures the sheep can eat to their hearts content, and then lie down to sleep on that soft grass, knowing that they can rest peacefully because their shepherd is watching over them. Our Shepherd cares for us far more than any earthly shepherd could ever care for his sheep. Some of us may be experiencing turmoil in our lives, but God has lush, green pastures that He wants to take us to. In His presence we can find peace and safety no matter what we are going through. In His Word we can also find messages to give us peace and hope. If we follow our Shepherd to the green pastures to which He wants to lead us we will be able to rest in peace and safety.
Today’s Testimony: One year while attending a church camp-meeting, where hundreds of people meet to spend time together and listen to uplifting messages, I started feeling very down-and-out. There was no main reason, it was just a few small things that really started getting me discouraged with myself.
Why was I feeling so down-and-out at a camp-meeting of all places?! I had prayed about it and had tried singing, but nothing seemed to help. The Lord tried to calm me down, but I would not relax. He tried to tell me that He loved me and that that was all that mattered, but even that didn’t help.
I was sitting in one of the meetings feeling that I could just burst into tears. The speaker started off by speaking about Solomon who had everything that money could buy, but had no peace. The rest of the message was basically that we do not need to run after the world’s good, and shouldn’t. Our greatest need is to follow the Lord with all our hearts. If we live in the Lord, He will provide us with everything that we need.
The Speaker then started sharing testimonies of how the Lord had provided for Him on so many occasions. It was then that the Lord took my mind back to my testimony about His providence for me and Praise Corner. He had provided for me in so many ways. He cared about me. I then couldn’t hold back the tears, but these were tears of joy and gratitude. And you know what the Lord ended off by saying? “I told you I love you.”
The Lord had “green pastures” of peace that He wanted to lead me to, but I was too busy straying on the rocky mountains to follow His leading. Finally He carried me to those pastures of peace, and I found peace.
Then later that day I bumped into someone who asked me what I was doing with myself. I told her that I was studying from home through UNISA. She then told me that I should have been studying at our church’s university. I had considered that at one stage and had gotten the forms to register, but then plans had changed and I ended up studying something else from home. I then started heading back to the “rocky mountains”. “Should I have been studying there?” “Was I in the wrong place?” I started feeling down-and-out again, wondering if maybe I had not followed the Lord’s will for my life.
The Lord then sat me down and said, “Lindy, no one knows you and your life better than I do. I have you where I want you.” That settled it for me. I was back in the peaceful pastures chosen by the Lord, and I was staying there.
The Lord often has to bring me back to His pastures of peace when I lose that sense of peace, but He always does. I’m always so much happier in His lush green pastures. I invite you to follow the Lord there too.
Today’s Task: God wants us to experience His peace. Follow Him to green pastures and rest in His peace. You might also find yourself straying to dry grass and rocky mountains, but when He comes to lead you back to lush green pastures I encourage you to follow. Accept God’s peace in your life today.
Today’s Thanks: O Lord I praise You for Your peace. I thank You that You do not leave us in dry pastures or rocky mountains when we stray from Your peace, You come and tenderly lead us back to Your peace. Lord help us to follow You. Help us to accept Your peace. Lord I thank You that You care about us so much. Amen.