His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Today’s Text: Thou whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called thee from the chief men thereof, and said unto thee, Thou art my servant; I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away. (Isaiah 41:9)

Today’s Thoughts: Today we’re looking at the third part of Psalm 23:5. When God chose David as King of Israel He had the prophet Samuel anoint him with oil. This anointing was a symbol that God had chosen him, and called him to do a great work for him. God can, and has, called each one of us to do a great work for Him. He has asked us to be witnesses for Him. He has asked us to work for Him. He may call us out of a life of pride and ease to be His servants – we need to obey. The life that God can give us is far more worthwhile than any life that this world can offer. God has chosen us to be His sheep, He will not cast us away – He loves us far too much.

Today’s Testimony: Today I’d like to share another one of my songs. This one speaks about the Lord hand-picking us. He loves each and every one of us, and He’ll find us no matter where we are. We just need to allow Him to be our Shepherd.

More Than The Extra Mile

You came and found me when I sought You not
You came and bought me when death was my lot
You picked me up as broken as I was
And now I praise You simply because…

You went more than the extra mile for me
You went beyond the call of duty
You did not owe anything to anyone
Lord I stand in awe when I think of all that You have done
For me
And then I praise Thee

You were my Saviour before I was born
You were my Healer before I was torn
You paid my price when I deserved to die
And now I praise You and this is why…

You went more than the extra mile for me
You went beyond the call of duty
You did not owe anything to anyone
Lord I stand in awe when I think of all that You have done
For me
And then I praise Thee

You went more than the extra mile for me

Today’s Task: Allow the Lord to pick you up as His own. And when He has anointed you, go and work for Him. Be a powerful witness for your Shepherd. Tell the world what He has done for you. Show the world what Christ is really like. Make your Master proud. Go the extra mile for Him – He went more than the extra mile for you.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I thank You so much that You were prepared to go more than the extra mile for us. We do not deserve to be saved, but You could not bear to see us lost. Please help us to accept Your gift of Salvation. Lord, we don’t want to disappoint You by choosing our own paths and not making it to spend eternity with You. Help us to work for You so that all that would accept You will have that opportunity. Lord I thank You that You have chosen and called us. Help us to make You smile. Amen.