Today’s Text: Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows. (Luke 12:6, 7)Today’s Thoughts: Have you ever felt worthless? Maybe you feel that no one really cares about you. Maybe you’ve done some things that make you feel that no human being will ever accept you. Maybe you’re living a lonely life without any friends. Maybe you’ve failed at doing something and therefore feel a lack of value. Maybe you’re even wondering if God can really love someone like you. …Let me tell you that He can and that He does. He knows you. He cares about you. He values you so much. Do not ever let anyone convince you otherwise – not even yourself. God loves you and that’s all that really matters. There may be no one else who truly cares – but God cares. He’s there for you right now. Find your sense of value in knowing that Christ loved you enough to give His life for you. You are of great worth.
Today’s Testimony: One morning I had a rather negative self-image. I felt worthless; inferior; incompetent; I had feelings of self-doubt and failure. I was sitting on my bed having my personal devotions and the Lord spoke to me once again, but this time in an extremely strange way.
I had the lap-top open at my prayer-list. I was bringing my feelings to the Lord and then my eyes subconsciously typed out the word “FORSAKEN” on the keyboard. …Of all the things to type when you’re feeling down and out!!!
I felt pretty bad but I definitely didn’t feel forsaken. I didn’t know why on earth that had happened. I knew it must have been a message from the Lord, but I also knew very well that it didn’t mean that He had forsaken me. So I asked the Lord what it meant. He said to me, “Lindy, those feelings – I want them to be forsaken.”
God never wants us to feel worthless. We are of great value to Him – no matter what. He wants us to forsake any feelings of self-doubt and worthlessness. He cares about us no matter what we or anyone else thinks – and that’s all that really matters.
Today’s Task: Take all your negative feelings to the Lord and leave them there. Know that you are so valuable in the Lord’s eyes. Know that He loves and cares about you so much – no matter what. Allow His love for you to be all that you need. Never ever forget that God values you – He will never ever stop valuing you.
Today’s Thanks: O Lord I thank You that You value us so much. We do not deserve Your love, but I praise You that You love us. Help us to remember that You love us in spite of our problems. Please come into our lives and fix any problems that we may still have. Please replace our negative feelings with positive feelings. Lord I thank You that You care so much for us. I praise You and thank You in Christ’s name, Amen.