Today’s Text: Hear, O LORD, and have mercy upon me: LORD, be thou my helper. (Psalm 30:10)Today’s Thoughts: Is there anything that you need help with? God can help us no matter what our problem is. We definitely don’t deserve His intervention, but in His mercy, because He loves us, He is more than willing to come and help us. We can take all our problems to the Lord and He will help us in accordance with His will. God is our Helper – our loving helper.
Today’s Testimony: Do any of you write songs? If you do, maybe you can relate to the testimony I’m going to share. Sometimes my songs build off a topic that I think would be interesting; sometimes I’ve needed a song to fit with a certain topic; but quite a few times lately the Lord has just popped a tune and some words into my head and I’ve built on that. Now that I find totally amazing!
The other day was one of those times. I was thinking about something, and the Lord popped a tune and a few word into my head about the topic I was thinking about. Now have you ever tried to remember a song and couldn’t think of the words or tune? Sometimes while my songs are still fresh I land up forgetting those details. Lately I’ve been recording the pieces I have of any new songs onto my phone to listen to if I have a problem. But with this song, when the Lord gave it I couldn’t just drop everything and run and record it, so I decided I’d do it a bit later. But when I had finished what I was busy with I completely forgot all about it. Then the next day I remembered but couldn’t recall the exact words or the tune. I therefore took the problem to the Lord. He had given both the words and the tune in the first place, so He could bring them back to my mind. I kept trying to think of the words, and then finally the Lord brought them back to my mind. Shortly thereafter He helped me to recall the tune too. I kept the song in my mind until I could go and record the piece I had. Once I recorded that piece the Lord and I added another piece and I recorded that. Both the words and tune are stuck in my mind now. God is so good! He can help us when no one else can.
Today’s Task: Ask the Lord to be your Helper. Trust Him to help you no matter what your trouble is. Know that He can help you with anything and everything. All our successes are only because the Lord is helping us. We can do nothing without Him. Thank Him that He is merciful enough to help sinful people like us. Praise your Helper.
Today’s Thanks: O Lord I praise You that You are willing to help Your children. I thank You that You know how to help us in every situation. Please help us to trust in You and to take all our problems to You. Lord I thank You that You help us even though we are unworthy. I thank You that You love and care about us enough to do so. Lord we invite You to be our Helper. We praise You and thank You in Christ’s name. Amen.