Today’s Text: Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation. (Habakkuk 3:17, 18)Today’s Thoughts: No flowers, no fruit, no produce, no livestock – that’s a pretty bad situation. If farming is ones livelihood and there is nothing to take to market, the farmer has a huge problem. What about in our lives? What if everything was taken away from us? Would we still be able to rejoice simply because we still have God? Would we be able to rejoice to know that even though all earthly things are taken away, we still have salvation and therefore a bright future in Heaven with the Lord? Would we? We need to be so close to the Lord and trust Him so completely that nothing else matters. To rejoice when life is crumbling at your feet is definitely not easy, but God can help us to find peace and joy in Him.
Today’s Testimony: Four years ago my twin sister and I were asked to sing at a program at the women’s prison in Durban. A few ladies from my church visited with some of the inmates regularly and the program was the graduation of those who had completed one or more Bible correspondence courses. That was the first time I’d ever been inside a prison.
Once the women were all seated they started singing. I have never heard singing like that in all my life. They were singing in Zulu and from the bottom of their hearts. It was so loud, but so beautiful. There must have been about a hundred of them all singing and praising their God.
These people were in prison – away from family and former friends and the comforts of home, but still they could rejoice. I wish you could have heard them sing. They were so polite and friendly. You could see that Christ had entered their hearts and made a difference in their lives.
If people in prison can praise the Lord like that, then surely we can too. And yet, yes, they have shelter and at least something to eat, some people do not even have the benefits of those in prison. But prison is definitely not a happy place. The life-style in prison is not enviable. But these people are still able to have joy in Christ; they can still wear a smile and praise their Saviour who has set them free from the chains of sin. Some will get out of prison and begin a new life – this time with Christ at their side; others may never get out of prison, but no matter whether they go or stay, many have found the most valuable Friend they will ever have and they will never cease to praise Him. I want to learn to rejoice in the Lord at all times no matter what “prisons” I am in. Don’t you?
Today’s Task: Rejoice in the God of your salvation no matter what is happening in your life. If it is difficult, start by praising Him for the things that you do have and are thankful for – it could be as simple as water, food, a beating-heart, friends and family. With time the Lord will help you to rejoice fully, regardless of what you are going through. We will always have God even if we have nothing else – thank Him for that blessing. God loves you and has made salvation available to you – praise Him for that. Ask the Lord to give you a peaceful trust in Him so that you can rejoice at all times. Remember that He cares about you.
Today’s Thanks: O Lord I praise You that Your joy is available to each one of us. Lord life is definitely not always easy; help us to rejoice in You even when things are really rough. Help us to trust You. We thank You that You are trustworthy. We thank You for all the blessings that we do have, even though we have got trials. Please give us the strength to endure the trials so that we can be closer to You on the other side. I thank You that You are with us in every trial. I thank You that You care. Please put praise in our hearts right now – You deserve it. We love You Lord. Amen.