Today’s Text: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.(Exodus 20:16)
Today’s Thoughts: Some translations of the Bible word this commandment: “Thou shalt not lie.” Whichever way you want to word it, it simply tells us that God wants us to be honest in all we say. Titus 1:2 tells us that God cannot lie. According to 1 Peter 2:21, we are to follow in Christ’s steps. For one, let me say that I’m so glad that my God cannot and will not lie. Imagine if we couldn’t take Him at His word?! Imagine if we couldn’t trust Him fully?! God is totally trustworthy. He wants us to be trustworthy as well. He wants to know that we will do all that we say. And He wants to know that we will speak only the truth. Let us only speak what is pure.
Today’s Testimony: Have you ever heard someone say something negative about someone else and then “justify” it by saying, “I’m being honest.” There is a time to be honest and there is also a time to hold back what you feel like saying knowing that it is downing someone else. Never ever gossip about others – you may be sharing the truth, but is your conversation pleasing God? God loves each person that we want to speak negatively about. The truth is that that person is valuable; therefore, if we want to decrease that person’s value we are not speaking honestly at all. We all have our faults. No one likes to be the subject of a gossip session. The Lord wants us to speak encouraging words to and about each other; not break others down.
There are so many testimonies that I could share of how the Lord intervened for me when I was under attack, but I cannot share them because it would break down those who were attacking. The testimonies that wouldn’t make sense by being too vague if I didn’t share details about those tearing me down, I cannot share. These are testimonies that only the Lord and I can share, at least at this stage. Yes if they were shared they would glorify God, and they are true, but sharing would bring negative thoughts about those who were meaning well, but breaking down. My point – only speak what is truthful if it will have a positive result and no negative one.
I once wrote a test and got a really poor mark for it. I then noticed that one of my wrong answers had been over-looked. I then went to my teacher and told her. My mark was dropped even lower, but I had a clean conscience. It is definitely not always easy to be honest, but God requires it of us and the clear conscience is far better than the guilt.
As Christians we need to live as Christ’s followers and not live a lie. On another note it may not always be easy, but we must never be ashamed of our God no matter what the cost of following Him. God will be with His faithful people and will carry them through mild and great persecution. Even if we are tortured till death Christ will still be with us every step of the way. Satan will try everything to get us to bring shame to our God and to get us to forsake Him. Our reward is in heaven; we must be bold Christians who will not shy away from the truth – that we have found a God that it is worth dying for. Christ died for us – let us be bold in following Him and not lie that we are not His people, no matter what the cost.
One benefit of only being truthful is a clear conscience. Sometimes being truthful will bring peace and joy; other times it will bring suffering and sorrow, but God will give us strength to bear it all. God will bless those who are truthful. Some will receive their rewards now; others will receive them in heaven. God wants us to be honest in all we say. Let’s ask Him for the strength to obey His command.
Today’s Task: Be honest in all you say. Ask the Lord for the strength to do so. Encourage others and build them up; don’t tear them down. Be willing to speak the truth at all costs. Ask the Lord to help you discern when to be open and honest and when to refrain from sharing. Thank the Lord that His promises are true. Our God cannot lie – praise Him.
Today’s Thanks: O Lord I praise You that You are honest with us. I thank You that Your promises are all true. I thank You that You will always do what’s best for us. Please help us to always speak the truth, but only when You would have us do so. Help us to be faithful examples of who You are. Help us to be unashamed Christians. Help us to follow You till death. Lord we love You. Amen.