Today’s Text: Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. (Matthew 6:34)Today’s Thoughts: In this passage of Scripture Jesus was speaking to a multitude of people and encouraging them not to worry. He provides food for the birds of the air and He clothes the grass of the field with beautiful flowers, so how much more will He take care of the needs of His children. Some of us may always be finding something to worry about, but no one truly likes to worry. Yet we seem to worry all the time. God wants us to hand our worries and concerns over to Him, He can intervene. He can give us peace.
Today’s Testimony: I woke up one morning thinking that my alarm clock was taking far too long to go off. I had prayed my usual prayer the night before, but I still thought something had gone wrong. I couldn’t sleep. I wasted so much time just lying in bed worrying when I had absolutely no excuse to worry. Firstly, it didn’t really matter whether or not it went off because Julie would have set it off for me when she got back from the bathroom. Secondly, I could have used my torch to check what the time was on our wall-clock. And thirdly, I could have even gone to check my alarm clock. But no, I didn’t do any of that, and thinking about it not really mattering whether or not it went off didn’t help.
I had prayed my usual prayer: “Lord please let my alarm clock keep time all night and go off on time in the morning. Your will be done. Amen”. I had left it in His hands. All I had to do was trust Him. But no, I took the problem back and lost sleep over it. My alarm clock did go off on time the next morning – all that worrying for nothing. If only I’d been more willing to fully trust God.
Now sometimes we have worries about issues that are far more serious than this one. Sometimes we are faced with a real problem that cannot be sorted out as simply as my situation could have been. We need to find peace in Christ even in those situations.
In this same passage of Scripture Christ also says, “Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?” (Matthew 6:27). Worrying about a situation will be of no benefit to us. And yet we still worry. God wants to spare us from worrying, He knows it will only cause us harm and no good. But sadly, even though we no it doesn’t help, we can’t seem to help but worry. But God never asks us to do something that He knows we cannot do. He can and will grant us peace so that we don’t worry, we just need to ask Him to, and allow Him to give us that peace. I want that peace. Don’t you?
Today’s Task: Ask the Lord to take your worries and concerns away. Ask him to give you a peace that you never thought possible. Place each and every worry in His mighty hands and leave them there. Don’t take them back, you are far better off without them; you don’t need them. If you think you will never truly sense His peace, pray that God will help your unbelief and surprise you. Ask Him for His peace right now. You need it.
Today’s Thanks: O Lord I thank You that you care about us so much. You don’t want to leave us to worry; you want to give us peace. Help us to accept that peace. Help us not to worry. Help us to entrust every situation to You and find peace in knowing that our problem is left in the hands of an all-knowing, all-powerful God. Lord, grant us Your peace. I thank You for making it available. Amen.