His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Friday, January 7, 2011


Today’s Text: And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth. (Luke 11:2)

Today’s Thoughts: This is a piece of what is usually referred to as “The Lord’s Prayer”. Today we’re simply going to focus on the “Thy will be done” part. I’d rather ask the Lord for anything than to ask a human being. If people gave me everything I asked for I probably wouldn’t be a very happy person right now. Do you feel the same? Maybe not. But God is all-knowing. He would love to never disappoint us by refusing our requests, but He also knows that some things are best done a different way. I’ve seen His will stand out as far greater than mine time and time again. I don’t know about you, but I want His will to be done in my life in every situation.

Today’s Testimony: Now for some more stories about my alarm clock. One morning I got up and went off to the bathroom when Julie’s alarm went off. Before I climbed back into bed I checked my alarm clock’s time. I’d never done that before when I’d come back from the bathroom in the night, but that day the Lord impressed me to. It wasn’t ticking. I changed it, prayed my usual prayer, and then climbed back into bed for what was left of my sleep.
So why didn’t God just keep my alarm clock ticking in the first place? Well for one, that would be nothing out of the ordinary to share as a testimony. God had already blessed in that area. To me it was a message that said, “I care about you. I want you to see miracles – big and small.” But one thing that I know for certain is that God’s will was done – I’d asked for that.
On another occasion my older sister, Toni, was sleeping in the room with my twin sister and me. She got up to go to the bathroom in the night, and when she came back she checked on my alarm clock for the time. Julie checked the time on her alarm clock. Both gave the same time. But when Julie set my alarm clock off that morning the time still read the same as when we had checked it during the night.
Why had it lost time this time? Not that it really mattered too much though, because as I said before, Julie would simply change the time and set it off for me in the morning. And yet there had to be a reason, there always is a good reason if my alarm doesn’t go off since I’ve started praying for it to go off. I thought about it, and couldn’t remember if I’d prayed, “Your will be done”, when I’d prayed the night before. I believe that’s the reason that it didn’t go off. We need to ask God to do His will, it’s always best. But why didn’t God just remind me to pray for His will to be done in the first place? Possibly because He wanted to give me a testimony to share. And then, hey, in that case, maybe He did do His will even though I’d forgotten to ask. He does that you know. He does so much more for us than we could ever deserve. And that’s because it’s in His will to love and bless us. I want him to do His will in my life – always. How about you?

Today’s Task: God always knows best. He can see the beginning and the end. Often we don’t understand His reasoning, but in those cases we need to trust His heart. He really does love each and every one of us. He cares about you – believe it. Trust Him and ask Him to do His will in your life in every situation. You might not understand the path He leads you in, but you will not regret it – if not now, then in Heaven when you get a better glimpse into the wise intervention of our loving Heavenly Father. Trust Him today.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I praise You that You love us so much. I thank You that Your will is always for our good. Lord I pray that You will help us to submit to Your will. Help us to always allow You to do Your perfect will in every situation. Lord You love us so much, and You cry with us when we reap the results of sin, whether it be our own sin, or sin in general. It was never Your will to have us suffer so much, but we chose Satan as our master, and thus You cannot put a hedge around us and spare us from all harm. But Lord I thank You that You are still with us even in turmoil, and You still work all things out for our good, even if we can’t see it that way. Lord, may Your will and Yours alone be done in each of our lives. We love You Lord. Amen.