His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Friday, January 7, 2011


Today’s Text: And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe. (John 14:29)

Today’s Thoughts: Jesus was speaking to His disciples in this text. He was telling them of all the things they would face in the near future. He did not want them to be overwhelmed when the time came, so He lovingly told them in advance. At that stage they could not fully understand what Jesus was saying to them, but when it came to pass, they remembered and believed. Christ can do the same for us. He can warn us of future events, and He can tell us how to prepare for the future.

Today’s Testimony: I’ve got two powerful testimonies to share today. They both have to do with God revealing a piece of the future, so that when the events happened, I could believe and be blessed.
We were leaving church after a Wednesday evening prayer-meeting. We had just heard the sad news that a much loved sister in Christ was in hospital with heart problems. I was taking it to the Lord as we were driving out the gate, when He said to me, “Lindy, she’s not going to make it.” It was one of those times when I wasn’t totally sure that it was the Lord speaking, or maybe it was more that that wasn’t what I wanted to hear, so I shrugged it off.
That weekend my family and I attended a different church, and therefore did not hear any of the news from our usual congregation. On Sunday a friend of mine phoned me. We had a singing group, and she said, “Don’t you think it would be nice if we could sing at Ouma’s memorial service.”
God knew I would hear about her passing away in that way, so He caringly prepared me for it. That was the first and last time the Lord has revealed the future in that regard. He knew I needed it then. We serve an amazing God.
My second testimony is about exam time. I was preparing for my roughest subject, and said to the Lord, “How wow would it be if You could say, ‘Lindy, study this, study this,’ and help me know what to study”. I had the two past-papers from the previous year, and the Lord said to me, “Study the past-papers.”
I thought that that was at least a start, but I also “knew” that there would be more than just those questions in the my paper. I focused mainly on the past-papers, butalso studied a few other things that I thought could be asked.
Every single one of my questions were from those two past-papers!!! I just missed getting a distinction. If I had only focused on those topics I could have gotten a distinction. But no, we are often so slow to believe when the Lord speaks.
God spoke. He told me in advance. But I only believed that it was truly Him that spoke when it came to pass.
God can speak to us about some of the most un-thought-of things. Listen to His voice.

Today’s Task: Listen for the Lord’s voice. He speaks. If you find it hard to tell if it was truly God Himself speaking, ask Him to tell you otherwise, or to help your unbelief. But the most important thing for you to do – remember the words that He speaks, so that when it comes to pass, you may believe, and praise Him.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I praise You that You speak. Lord help us to know Your voice, and to listen when You speak. Lord help our unbelief. I thank You that You are patient with us. I thank You for all Your miracles. Amen.