His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Friday, January 7, 2011


Today’s Text: O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! (Romans 11:33)

Today’s Thoughts: God is all-knowing and He knows what to do with all that knowledge. He knows when, where and how to intervene in every single area of our lives. Even though we don’t understand His decisions and ways, we can trust Him because He knows everything, He is wise in all His doings, and because He loves and cares about each one of us. He will make sure that all things work out for the best.

Today’s Testimony: Now for another problem with my little alarm clock. If I place the alarm hand on a certain number, the alarm will go off before that time. The alarm’s time and the clock’s time don’t synchronize.
Remember the lecture I had to attend and how because I asked the Lord to let my alarm clock keep time and go off, it did. Another side to that story is that, knowing the problem with the times, I played with my alarm clock and its hands until I set it for what I thought was the time I wanted to get up. My alarm clock went off half an hour early. The Lord, in His wisdom, knew that I’d need an extra half an hour.
God knows everything. In His wisdom He knows just how to take care of His people. He is almighty and can do all things.
Now on another, more serious note, how’s time in your life? Have you surrendered your life to God? Do not put it off. He loves You. God wants you to turn to Him right now. He knows all things. If you feel Him tugging at your heart, please don’t send him away. It could be that God knows that this is your last chance. Later may just be too late. He wants to spend eternity with you. He wants you to know Him now, and to continue your relationship with Him in Heaven. He cares about you so much. Do not delay.
I want you to be in Heaven. I want to meet you there. God longs for that so much more. And I know that deep down inside, you want that for yourself too. Please let Him come into your heart. Not later – right now.

Today’s Task: Trust the Lord. Remember that He knows all things. He knows your every need. He is wise enough to know how to intervene in every situation to turn it out for the best. Ask Him to do His will in your life in every situation. He knows our needs far better than we do. Trust that His ways are perfect. Allow this wonderful God to be your God. Open your heart’s door to Him. You won’t regret it. Your only regret will be if you choose not to, this may be your last chance. Please, love Him back.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I praise You that You know what is best for every single one of us in every single situation. I thank You that You wisely intervene for our good. Lord help us to trust You. I thank You for Your intervention in the past; and I praise You for Your intervention in the future. Lord help us to surrender to You. Our lives are incomplete without You in them. Lord we need You now. Please take away all doubt and procrastination. Lord help us to return Your love, though it be in a tiny degree. I love You Lord. Amen.