His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Today’s Text: For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name's sake lead me, and guide me. (Psalm 31:3)

Today’s Thoughts: God is our rock and our fortress. We can lean on Him and hide in Him. We have chosen Him as our God and for that reason He will lead us and guide us. Our God is great and every great deed that He does brings honour and glory to His name. God can intervene no matter what our problems are – we can lean on Him, hide in Him and follow Him. We serve a great and loving God!

Today’s Testimony: I’m studying Psychological Counselling. The modules were all pretty straight forward and from the start all I had to decide on was what to choose as my major. Then this year things changed. I have to do a module on African Language and this year they added two pre-requisites that I have to do first. I decided to register for the first pre-requisite for the first semester this year. But there was a mistake and I couldn’t register online for that module, so I left it and took something else instead.
That wasn’t such a big problem, but the bigger problem I had was that the major I had been doing (General Education) had been dropped and I had to select an alternative. I phoned to find out if those who were already doing that as a major could continue and was told that I had to choose something else. I decided to leave it and try a different major and then if that didn’t work I’d phone a bit more. The new major (Public Administration) was definitely not for me. I cannot see myself ever working in that field. On top of the subject not appealing to me, the exam was horrific. I left it all in God’s hands.
This semester I tried registering for the same African Language module I’d battled to register for last time and the registration went through. I didn’t know what to do about my major and was weighing up my options. I decided to email my former General Education lecturer and ask about it, but I couldn’t find the address. Finally the Lord led me to look at the list of subjects for registration. General Education had been placed back!!! I chose my modules and submitted. First my registration was unsuccessful, but then after submitting it for inspection it was successful.
God is so good! He solved all the registration problems and then led me to check the list and to try again to register for the problem modules. God can guide us in any of our problems. He can clear the way, and then He can guide us down the path He cleared. I’ve chosen the Lord as my Guide – have you?

Today’s Task: Ask the Lord to be your Guide – then follow His leading. Trust Him to open doors for you. God knows what you need. Lean on Him; hide in Him and follow Him. God loves you – love Him back!

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I thank You that You care about us so much. I thank You that You lead and guide us. I thank You that You intervene in our lives. Please help us to trust You more. I thank You that You can clear the way before us and then guide us down that path. We love You and we praise You. Amen.