Today’s Text: Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice: and let men say among the nations, The LORD reigneth. (1 Chronicles 16:31)Today’s Thoughts: If there’s one thing to rejoice and be glad about it’s that our God reigns. Yes Satan causes turmoil in our lives, but even though we chose him as prince of this world when we sinned, God is still in control and has the highest authority. Satan can do nothing without God’s consent. Some people think that because God allows bad things to happen to His people He is not a totally fair and loving God, but knowing that we often still choose Satan as the guiding voice in our lives and sin, all I can say is that I’m thankful that God does not leave us to reap the consequences of choosing Satan as our prince. We should be in a far worse condition, but God intervenes. He loves us. God knows all things; He knows what is best. He will work all things out for good when we trust Him, even though it may not always seem that way to us. God really does care about us.
Today’s Testimony: People often have questions like, “If God is a loving God then why does He allow us to suffer so much?” “Where is God?” “If God is real then why doesn’t He intervene?” People seem to get so confused. I think those people have totally forgotten that Satan is still very much alive and active to hurt us and to turn us away from God. Satan wants God to get the blame for his evil acts, and so many people believe his lie. I wrote this song to try to give a better perspective to the whole topic. But one thing that I know – I’ve seen God’s hand blessing me far too many times to believe that He is not real and does not love me. I know that He is real and loves me – no question about it.
God Is Alive
Why is there so much corruption?
Why is there so much pain?
Why do we death and destruction?
And when we look for the sun, why does it always rain?
Why is there so much beauty?
Why is there so much joy?
Why do we see growth and victory?
And people living by faith that none can ever destroy?
Why so much contrast, when we look at this life?
Why do we see peace mingled with strife?
For the prince of this world, the prince of darkness
Is not left to rain at his will
There’s a God of love, who in the midst of the storm
Can come and simply say, “Peace, be still.”
God is alive and well and He’s reigning on the throne
Tenderly caring for his own
God is alive and well and He’s reigning on the throne
Tenderly caring for his own
Just take a look and you will clearly see
The reason we’re alive today could only be
Because God is real and He loves us with infinite love
He provides for and protects us from His throne up above
God is alive and well and He’s reigning on the throne
Tenderly caring for his own
God is alive and well and He’s reigning on the throne
Tenderly caring for his own
God is alive, O He’s alive
And reigning in love
Today’s Task: As the founder of 3ABN (a Christian satellite broadcasting network), Danny Shelton (This song was inspired by his words), always says, “God is alive and well and on the throne.” – believe it! The Lord is God and He loves us. He will never forsake His people. Trust His goodness and rest in His peace. Ask Him to reign in your life. God is good – always good, and only good! Don’t ever forget that. Praise Him for His love and care right now.Why is there so much corruption?
Why is there so much pain?
Why do we death and destruction?
And when we look for the sun, why does it always rain?
Why is there so much beauty?
Why is there so much joy?
Why do we see growth and victory?
And people living by faith that none can ever destroy?
Why so much contrast, when we look at this life?
Why do we see peace mingled with strife?
For the prince of this world, the prince of darkness
Is not left to rain at his will
There’s a God of love, who in the midst of the storm
Can come and simply say, “Peace, be still.”
God is alive and well and He’s reigning on the throne
Tenderly caring for his own
God is alive and well and He’s reigning on the throne
Tenderly caring for his own
Just take a look and you will clearly see
The reason we’re alive today could only be
Because God is real and He loves us with infinite love
He provides for and protects us from His throne up above
God is alive and well and He’s reigning on the throne
Tenderly caring for his own
God is alive and well and He’s reigning on the throne
Tenderly caring for his own
God is alive, O He’s alive
And reigning in love
Today’s Thanks: O Lord I praise You that You are good. I thank You that You look after Your people. Please help us to remember that all evil comes from Satan. Help us to remember that we can trust You to work all things out for our good. I thank You that You reign. Please reign in our hearts. I thank You that You love us so much. We love You too. Amen.