Today’s Text: It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22, 23)Today’s Thoughts: The Lord should have destroyed us long ago. We are so sinful and cause Him so much pain. But His love forbids that. Because of His love and tender mercy for each one of us He did not destroy us and He is patiently waiting for us to fully surrender to Him. God faithfully blesses us every day even though we definitely do not deserve His mercies. His blessings are new every morning. God does not forget about His people – He loves us too much!
Today’s Testimony: When the Lord gave me this ministry He promised that He would provide the testimonies. He has never failed me. It’s not always easy to press on, but God grants me the strength I need. God is so good!
As VBS was approaching and I knew I would be busy and exhausted I wondered if I should take a break from Today’s T’s for the two weeks that I was teaching at two different Vacation Bible Schools. I asked the Lord and He told me that I must rather press on and He would tell me what to share. He promised that He could provide a blessing to share even if it be one day at a time. So that’s what I did – I continued. This week is my second week of VBS. Last week, although Today’s T’s came later than usual, I still sent them every day. But Thursday was an extremely busy day and I knew Friday would be worse. I asked the Lord about it and He said that I had continued with Today’s T’s as He had said and I could therefore take the day off from Today’s T’s on Friday.
Today I’m sharing testimony number 99. I stand in awe! My God is so amazing and so good! When He calls us to do a work for Him He does not leave us to do it alone – He’s right there with us. He has always provided testimonies for me to share – whether it be through helping me to choose the right one to share, or by blessing me with a brand new one – He has never left me empty-handed. I might go to Him feeling empty-handed sometimes, but He always sends me away with my hands full. God is so good! He provides me with new blessings every morning. We serve an amazing God!
Today’s Task: Trust the Lord to bless you with whatever you need. He knows your needs and He knows you. Ask Him to intervene no matter what it is that’s troubling you. God cares about you. Place your concerns in His hands. I invite you today to thank the Lord for all His wonderful blessings – they are new every day.
Today’s Thanks: O Lord I thank You that You bless us so much and that Your blessings are new every morning. You’ve never forsaken us and we praise You. I thank You that You did not destroy us, but are patiently calling us to You. Please help us to trust You more. I thank You for Your great love for us. Help us to tell others about the ways You have blessed us. Help us to help others to come to know You too. We love You Lord. Amen.