His Blessings are Everywhere

His Blessings are Everywhere

Monday, February 28, 2011


Today’s Text: But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more.(Psalm 71:14)

Today’s Thoughts: When we place our hope in God’s intervention He will not disappoint us. We will finally be praising Him. The context of this text is referring to problems with the psalmist’s enemies, but it is the same for any problem we may face. If you ever feel that God has disappointed your hope, know that He has done what was truly best. He cares about you. We need to praise Him no matter what the end result of our problem may be. God is good –always good and only good!

Today’s Testimony: A few months after I presented my revival seminar, my twin sister and I went to book for our learner’s licenses. I’d always thought that I would only go to book once I had been through the entire learner’s book at least once. When we went to book I hadn’t gotten too far into going through the book. We booked on a Thursday, and we could choose a date any time from Friday the following week. Without thinking we chose the Tuesday after that. That meant that we were writing our learner’s test just over a week after we’d booked. I only really thought about it when we came out from booking and my step-dad asked what date we got. He said, “You’ll have to study very hard.” Only then I realized that I had not been thinking clearly while choosing the date to write.
The date couldn’t be changed, so there was only one thing to do – I prayed. I studied too, but there is power in prayer. I placed my Hope in the Lord’s intervention.
During that week between booking and writing something happened that I’ll share in detail tomorrow that made me decide that I was going to, if possible, give the rest of the money that I received the following month, after paying my tithe and offering, to Praise Corner and start getting out of debt at all costs.
Firstly, if I didn’t pass my learner’s test I didn’t have the money at that stage to rebook. And secondly, if I had to rebook I wouldn’t be able to give money to Praise Corner the next month. I needed a miracle, and I prayed for one.
My test turned out to be so easy. Some of the tests that the other candidates got were really difficult, but I passed mine. God is so good!!!
I had asked the Lord to intervene and placed my hope in Him, and He did not disappoint me. I praise Him for His intervention. God cares about us so much.

Today’s Task: Have you got any problems in your life? If not, you are one in a very few. We all have things that are bothering us. Take your problems to the Lord. Place your hope in Him. He will not disappoint you. He loves You. Trust Him. And then when He intervenes – don’t forget to thank and praise Him.

Today’s Thanks: Lord I thank You that You care about our every need and problem. I thank You that if we place our hope in You, You will intervene. Lord I praise You for Your intervention in the past, and I praise You in advance for Your intervention in the future. Help us to trust You. Help us to praise You. Help us to remember that You know all things and do what is best for us in every situation. I thank You for Your great love. Amen.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Today’s Text: Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me.(Psalm 51:2,3)

Today’s Thoughts:
If we acknowledge our sin and repent of it God will forgive us and cleanse us. He will not leave us partly clean – He will wash us thoroughly. However, in order for us to be cleansed we have to first realize and admit that we need cleansing. We then need to ask the Lord to cleanse us, and allow Him to do so. It doesn’t help if we still cling to our dirt, we need to let go of the sin that got us filthy in the first place. Only God can give us that true repentance. Only He can help us to then remain clean. Ask Him to help you; ask Him to cleanse you. He longs to make you clean.

Today’s Testimony: After I shared my testimony during my revival seminar I was confronted about how wrong it was for me to have gotten into debt to the Lord. I had felt terrible about it and intended to pay the money back as soon as possible, but I hadn’t realized just how serious it was.
When it was brought to my attention I decided that I would never ever “borrow” money from the Lord again. I haven’t and I no longer need to. I have learnt to wait on the Lord, and as hard as it is sometimes, He has never failed me. I still have so many amazing stories to share about God providing for my every need. I so wish I had had enough faith to simply trust Him in the first place, but the learning experience has been priceless.
I was also told that I should no longer continue putting money aside for Praise Corner, apart from paying back my debt, but I will not share the reasons for that because they are unnecessary. But not being able to give added to the testimony, even though the money no longer increased. I’ll share that at a later stage. God always works all things out for our good and His praise when we place our trust totally in Him.
I had finally realized that I had sinned against the Lord, and I had repented. He cleansed me right then and there. God does that! He doesn’t say, “First you need to make it right.” Yes sometimes there are things that we need to make right first as part of true repentance, but some things will take time, and others can never be made right. Our Lord is a tender, loving Saviour. He longs for us to come to Him in repentance. He is only too willing to forgive us.

Today’s Task: Is everything right between you and the Lord? I invite you to turn to Him for forgiveness. Ask Him to help you to live wholly for Him. Ask Him to reveal every single filthy spot to you so that you can surrender it to Him for cleansing. If you find you struggle to remain clean, trust in the Lord, lean on Him. He will give you strength. Never give up on yourself – God hasn’t. He still loves you so much. Please go to Him right now.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I praise You that You did not leave us to die in our sins – You came and died in our place so that we can live with You eternally. I thank You that You still do not leave us in our sins – You are more than willing to forgive us if we turn to You and repent. Lord help us to remain faithful to You. Please cleanse us from our sinful ways; wash us thoroughly; we long to be clean. I thank You for Your forgiveness. Amen.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Today’s Text: Howbeit Jesus suffered him not, but saith unto him, Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee. (Mark 5:19)

Today’s Thoughts: Jesus had just cast several demons out of a man and into a herd of about two thousand pigs. The pigs had then run straight off the cliff into the sea and drowned. The people of that town then told Him to leave. But the man who had been set free pleaded to go with Jesus. Our text for today is Jesus’ response.
God wants us to tell all those that we know and all those that we can what He has done for us. A personal testimony of what the Lord has done is the most powerful witness for the Lord. God is real. God is good. Go and tell the world.

Today’s Testimony: Toward the end of 2007 the Lord had started helping me to prepare a revival seminar in which I would share my testimony and then share a few other topics. I thought I would probably only present it sometime in the future and thought to finish the preparations before going about organizing to present it. But while sitting in a meeting at my church a while later I realized that time is running out, and the Lord told me to arrange to present the revival seminar as soon as possible.
I asked Him how to go about organizing it and we decided that I would phone my youth leader and ask if I could present it as a youth week-of-prayer. I then had three requests: If I was to phone my youth leader I wanted the Lord to intervene so that I could be home alone while I phoned. And then I wanted my youth leader to answer the phone herself and also have time to talk.
During that week there was one day that I was home alone, which doesn’t happen often. I phoned and my youth leader answered. She also had time to talk. She said that it was a wonderful idea and we planned to hold the revival seminar early the following year. God is so good!
I presented the revival seminar at the end of April, 2008. The Lord had told me that I needed to tell the world what He had done for me, and that’s what I did. I shared my testimony about Praise Corner, in spite of the fact that at that stage it didn’t have a very good ending. The story of the Lord’s intervention unfolds from here. There are a number of very important events that led up to the Lord providing so that I could get out of debt. I hope that each one will speak to your heart and draw you closer to the Saviour. We truly do serve an amazing God!
The Lord has since told me to tell what He has done for me via email every week day. People all around the world receive Today’s T’s. He asks us to share Him, and then He opens the doors. Are you ready to walk through them?

Today’s Task: Tell the world what the Lord has done for you. Tell as many people as you can. Pray for the courage, opportunity and words. Some of you may be called to do it on a public scale to many people at once; others may only be called to share individually one-on-one. Ask the Lord to lead you and help you to share – He will. The world is dying in need of a Saviour. Do you care?

Today’s Thanks: Lord I thank You that You do so much for us. I thank You that You have given us the privilege of sharing what You have done for us. Lord please give us courage, opportunity and words. Help us to tell the world what You have done for us. I thank You that You will go with us as we share You and speak through us. I thank You that You can speak through all of us no matter how inadequate we may feel. I thank You for Your great love. Amen.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Today’s Text: Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? he retaineth not his anger for ever, because he delighteth in mercy. (Micah 7:18)

Today’s Thoughts: God is never pleased when we sin, but He does not remain angry. He forgives our sins if we ask Him to. He delights in showing mercy to His people. He cares when we reap the consequences of our sin. His heart cries with us whenever we are experiencing pain – even if we brought it on ourselves through sin. God hates sin, but He loves the sinner.

Today’s Testimony: Now the next thing I’m going to share with you is something I am not proud of. I do not remember the exact order of events, but let me share how I think it must have happened. How it happened is not what is important, but I need to add this story in because it leads to one of the most amazing parts of my testimony. It also serves as a reminder that I also make mistakes and disappoint the Lord. But one thing that I’m really thankful for is that God has never and will never disappoint me.
I needed money. I cannot remember what for, but I am sure that it was not a case of, “I like that skirt, let me borrow money from Praise Corner.” I believe, as far as I can remember, that it was more a cost that I could see no way around. I have since learnt to trust God to provide, and I hope that I will always continue to wait on Him. Well, I borrowed money from Praise Corner. I did not see anything wrong with it at the time, and I intended to pay the money back when I got the next month’s money from my dad. But the next month something else came up, and somehow the necessities outweighed the income and I got hopelessly indebt to Praise Corner. And to put it plainly, I was in debt to the Lord.
How I managed to allow myself to go so far I do not know. But I was eventually R600indebt. That’s more than a giving period. I’m not sure about this, but I think that I had repaid my debt after returning from Cape Town (2007), added an extra R100, which was all I could afford, and then somehow managed to sink back into debt. Like I said, I am not sure that that is what happened, but I do know that Praise Corner had R3100 to its name according to my record.
But the greatest part about this whole experience, or should I say the only good thing, is that the Lord was merciful to me. He intervened in such an amazing way that I find it almost hard to believe. The next section of my testimony about how I got out of debt is what I think is the greatest part of my testimony so far. I know that the Lord forgave me because He still entrusted me with two other ministries. The one is Today’s T’s which is blessing many lives; the other ministry you will be hearing about soon. All three of them are sub-ministries of Revealing Christ Ministries. And that name was also chosen by the Lord. I’ll share that testimony too sometime.
God is so merciful. He loves us. He longs to pardon each and every one of us. We just need to repent and surrender to Him. We’re safest in His care.

Today’s Task: Do you ever feel unworthy of God’s mercy? Ever think that the Lord should never and would never forgive you? We are all unworthy of God’s mercy and do not deserve to be forgiven, but God cares about us too much to not forgive us if we ask Him to. Ask Him for His forgiveness today, right now. Please surrender to the Lord. He longs to show You His mercy. Don’t break God’s heart by rejecting His mercy, His forgiveness is for everyone.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I thank You that You are so merciful to sinful people like us. You do not have to forgive us; You did not have to pay the death penalty in our place, but You did because You could not bear to lose any of us. Lord please help us to fully surrender to You. We don’t want to break Your heart by rejecting Your gift of Salvation. I thank You that You love each and every one of us more than we will ever be able to comprehend. Amen.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Today’s Text: Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.(Philippians 4:11)

Today’s Thoughts: Paul was writing to the Philippians in this text. In the previous text he told them how joyful he was that they were once again caring for some of his needs. He said that he knew that they only stopped for a while because they no longer had the opportunity to care for his needs. He then wrote that he did not want them to think that he said this because he was in need, because he had learned to be content no matter what he faced in life. We too need to learn to be content no matter what we face and no matter what we have or don’t have. The only way to obtain this state of contentment is through Jesus Christ. He can help us to be content in all situations. All we need to do is ask.

Today’s Testimony: A while ago I mentioned the pledge that I took of asking, “What would Jesus do?” before doing anything. I can’t tell you that everything that I do is exactly what Jesus would do, and I also can’t tell you that I always remember to ask this question, but for certain things, it has become a way of life.
We were in a shop once and my sisters were trying to convince me to buy a small animal soft-toy. The Lord reminded me of my pledge. I definitely didn’t need it, so I left it there on the shelf. It felt so good to know that I had not wasted money on something that I didn’t need.
There were also so many times that I would see an item of clothing that was so “me”, but I would simply smile knowing that I did not need it, and that God had a greater purpose for me and my money. It brought me joy to think of the reason why I couldn’t just buy everything I saw.
Then there were the times that I did need something. At those times one of two things would happen. So many times the Lord would provide for my needs, but on other occasions He would simply help me to be content with what I already had.
I thought I needed new open and closed smart shoes – the Lord helped me to be content with two pairs that I hadn’t worn for a while and was planning to give away. I thought I needed a new jacket – the Lord helped me to be content with one that I thought I needed to replace and one that I hadn’t worn for a while because I didn’t like it so much. I thought I needed a new jersey – the Lord helped me to be content with one that I hadn’t worn for a while. These are only a few of the stories of the Lord helping me to be content with what I had, and not long for the things that I didn’t really need. In His perfect timing He has always provided what I needed.
My life has been very interesting and so exciting. I have so many more amazing stories to share. Life is never dull when you step into the Lord’s will for your life. Many may think I could have been better off if I’d spent all the money I’d set aside for the Lord on my own “needs”. But my opinion is that my greatest need is to know the Lord, and I doubt I would know Him like I do if it wasn’t for setting money aside for Praise Corner and watching the Lord bless and provide.
All I can say is that He taught me to be content, and I still am.

Today’s Task: Are you content? If you’re not content with what you have, ask the Lord to help you to see if you have a need or simply a want. Ask Him to make you content with what you have unless He has a better plan. If you’re not content with situations in your life, ask the Lord to give you His peace and help you to be content. Maybe He will change your situation too. I also encourage you once again to make room for the Lord to bless you. If you are content and truly lack nothing, ask the Lord if there is anything that he would rather have elsewhere. He might know of someone who needs your money or possessions far more than you do. I know I still have to work on this one. Ask the Lord to make you content no matter what comes your way.

Today’s Thanks: Lord I thank You that You can help us to be content no matter what we have or what we face. You can give us peace. You can provide for all our needs. We do not need to worry about them. Lord help us to truly be content. Lord help us to realize that our greatest need is You. Lord may we be discontent without You, and content even if You’re all we have. Amen.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Today’s Text: Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. (Psalm 103:2)

Today’s Thoughts: Yesterday we spoke about the Lord loading us with blessings. It is so important that we remember God’s blessings. A little phrase that I have come to believe and experience is: the more you count your blessings – the more blessings you can count. As we take note of all God’s blessings our eyes will be opened to further benefits that we would normally over-look. The Lord deserves our praise every single day. He blesses us so abundantly.

Today’s Testimony: I’d put aside R1000 for 2004 and R1000 for 2005, now I need to share about the Lord providing for 2006.
I went down to Cape Town in December, 2005, and once I’d received most of the money I would be getting I was short. I didn’t have enough to put aside for tithe, offering and for Praise Corner. So there was only one thing to do – I prayed.
The Lord intervened and I got some more money. I put all the necessary money aside, R500 went for Praise Corner, and I was left with R20. So that’s all that I placed in my wallet.
My family and I went to a shopping mall and before we split up to do our shopping, my dad and step-mom together and my sisters and I together, we sat down at a restaurant for lunch. While sitting there my dad asked me how much money I had. It was one of those times that I wished I could have melted into the floor. I had gotten quite a lot of money, and all I had with me was R20. I told him that I only had R20 and he didn’t say anything. He just took out his wallet and gave me R200. He didn’t have enough to give each of us R200, so he gave to my sisters later because they said they had enough. I believe that the Lord was prompting it all, “Ask her how much money she has.” Now if I could have heard that I would have said, “No, don’t tell him to do that.” Then I believe the Lord continued prompting, “Don’t say anything, just take out your wallet and give her R200.” I truly do serve an amazing God! Do you?
Now I need to share about the next R500. I had been attending a home school at the house of a lady from my church, but she had moved to New Zealand and the school had moved to our house with my mom as the supervisor. Two of the kids that started out there that year needed to stay a bit longer after school because their mom was a teacher and couldn’t fetch them straight away. She paid for them to stay for aftercare. I played with them and entertained them for a few days and then my mom asked me if I’d like to do aftercare. I therefore took on the task of aftercare and got money coming in regularly.
Julie and I had opened up our own bank accounts while we were in Cape Town and that year my dad started putting money into our accounts every month. Toni already had an account.
I used the money that I got paid for doing aftercare to buy everything that I needed, and finally when it was about time for Praise Corner’s giving period, as I call it, I had R500 available in my bank account, which I then dedicated to the Lord for Praise Corner. That’s three years – R3000. God is good! And I praise Him. I will never forget how He has blessed me.

Today’s Task: Count every blessing. Don’t ever forget what the Lord has done for you. He loves you and He cares about you so much. He can provide your every need. He can provide for you in so many ways. Trust Him. Never ever forget His benefits.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I praise You for all your benefits. I thank You that You care about our every need. I thank You that You always provide in the way that’s best for us. Please help us to trust You. I thank You most of all for providing our greatest need – Salvation. Lord without Your gift we would have no hope. I thank You for not leaving us to suffer and bear the eternal results of our sin. I want to spend eternity praising You for Your many blessings. Thank You for each one. Amen.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Today’s Text: Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. (Psalm 68:19)

Today’s Thoughts: The Lord blesses us every single day. Most of God’s blessings we take for granted – food, clothes, life, health, and other things that we so often forget to praise the Lord for. He also blesses us with so many other things that we often do not even notice. I can’t wait to get to Heaven and find out about all the blessings that I did not even know about. God loves to bless His children with benefits. Believe it.

Today’s Testimony: I learnt to budget and use my money wisely because of putting money aside for Praise Corner. There was no extra money to be wasted, and I’m glad, because I don’t believe in wasting money.
I had needs and God provided. He often blesses me with sales and specials. He also knows just how to provide for me when I wouldn’t accept the blessing myself. Let me explain….
My older sister, Toni, would so often come home from the shops and say, “I bought you something!” She’d say what it was, and then, knowing that I was on a tight budget, I would say, “Take it back.” She would then say, “But you haven’t seen it yet!” I’d then take it to the Lord in prayer. He impressed me to try whatever it was on. If it didn’t fit or I didn’t like it then the problem was solved;otherwise I’d have to return to the Lord for further guidance.
I kept most, if not all, of the items Toni bought for me. If I sent anything back it was because it either didn’t fit or I didn’t like it. God knew what I needed, and He knew what I would and would not buy, so He sent Toni to shop for me.
To get back to the blessings of sales, one day Toni came home with a skirt that she’d found on sale at R70 and bought for me. We went through the same conversation as every other time, with me eventually deciding to buy the skirt – as usual. She had paid with a R100 note and said that if I gave her a R100 note she would give me the change. So I gave her R100, and she tipped out the change on my bed. I then said to her, “That’s too much!” We then looked at the till-slip. I got my skirt for half-price off the sale price. R35 for a skirt! Toni then said, “That’s so unfair, how come you always get such bargains.” I just smiled to myself and praised the Lord. I knew.

Today’s Task: I challenge you to give money to the Lord. Give until it’s uncomfortable; give until it hurts. God will bless you so much. He has always provided for my needs, and He has blessed me with an amazing testimony about His providence. I met the Lord through seeing His hand in His providence. Please, make room for God’s hand. Give to the Lord and watch Him bless and provide – you won’t regret it.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I thank You for all Your benefits. I praise You that not a day goes by that You do not bless us in some way or another. I thank You that You provide, no matter what our needs may be. You can provide for us financially, Spiritually and in so many other areas of our lives. Lord help us to trust You. Help us to make room for Your hand to bless us so that we can see You for who You really are. Lord I thank You for Your great love. Amen.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Today’s Text: Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. (Malachi 3:10)

Today’s Thoughts: Tithe is ten-percent of all our increase, or profit. God asks us to return to Him only ten-percent of the money that we earn. It might not always be easy, but God promises us that He will provide for our every need if we trust Him. He will give us more blessings than we can handle. He may test our faith, but He will always come through for His people. I’ve seen it.

Today’s Testimony: Yesterday I said that there was something special that I wanted to share about the Lord blessing me with R150 when I’d set aside R1500, and R200 when I’d set aside R2000. Do you see it? Each time I was left with ten-percent of what I’d given to the Lord.
The Lord asks us to give Him back one-tenth of all that He blesses us with. But sometimes He will also give us back one-tenth of the money that we give to Him. I think that’s so amazing. He might even bless us with more than that. Each time I was only giving Him another R500, but He gave me ten-percent of the total that I’d given Him. We serve a generous, loving God. His blessings so out-weigh anything we could ever give Him, or do for Him. And He really owns everything we give Him anyway.
I encourage you to start setting aside money for the Lord. Watch Him bless and provide. I also encourage you to give Him ten-percent of all that He blesses you with. He will provide your every need. Trust Him.
A while ago I was trying to think of a time that the Lord hadn’t come through for me – I couldn’t think of one. He has never failed me. Sometimes His providence may be in a totally different way from what I thought would be best, but I’ve often seen His reasoning at a later stage. God always provides. I’ve seen it.

Today’s Task: Trust the Lord. Return your tithe to Him, He will bless you abundantly. I also encourage you to give Him more than just the tenth. Ask Him where He can use your money. Give until it hurts. It’s well worth it. I truly met the Lord by making room for His hand in this manner. Wouldn’t you like to do the same? Please do.

Today’s Thanks: Lord I thank You that You bless us with so much. I thank You that You also often work on a tithing system by giving us ten-percent back when we give to You. Help us to give to You more freely. I thank You that You can provide for all our needs. Please help us to trust You. Please give us the faith we need. I thank You for Your love. Amen.

Today’s Text: O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. (Psalm 34:8)

Today’s Thoughts: This text sums up the whole reason why I am sending out “Today’s T’s”. I want the whole world to taste the God that I know. I want everyone to see for themselves that my God is good and the greatest Friend that they will ever have. So how do you taste Him? Don’t ask me. Seriously, ask God Himself – you can. But I also firmly believe that sometimes we need to make space for Him. If we’re all sorting out our own lives, where are we wanting to see His hand?! O friend, give the Lord room to work. Taste and see that He truly is good.

Today’s Testimony: Now for some more of my testimony about Praise Corner. Just before my sisters and I flew down to Cape Town, I placed my last R20 note in the offering-plate at church. I went down to Cape Town broke, but trusting.
I had to wait a while before getting money, but I eventually received some. After I’d received most of the money I would get I had R800. R500 was set aside for Praise Corner, I set some aside to return tithe and offering to the Lord, and I was left with R150. I spent some; received some more; and was once again left with R150.
Now there’s something very special about that R150, but I’ll share that with you at a later stage. I know, I also would love to share it now, but I’d like to go into depth about it and talk heart to heart. God really is so good!
During those December holidays I had truly tasted that the Lord is good, and I had yet to see so much more. He stretched and provided; He still does. I’d given Him place to reveal His hand, and He was truly taking hold of the opportunity. He longs for you to do the same.
I was now back in Durban; I’d put aside R150 for Praise Corner, which now had R1500; and I had a concern that I voiced to the Lord. I said, “But Lord, R500 increase per year is not going to increase very fast.”
He intervened!!! My dad and step-mom came up to Durban that year for my twin sister and my birthday. They brought money from themselves and other family members. I was able to put aside another R500. That’s 2 years – R2000. God is so good! And O, I was left with R200 after returning my tithe and offering, if that means anything to anyone; but it will later. We truly serve a loving and powerful God!

Today’s Task: O friend, I so encourage you to taste and see that the Lord is good. Give Him place to reveal His hand in your life. It might be by giving Him a portion of money that forces you to rely totally on Him to provide – He will (I’ve seen it). It might be in another way. That’s why I said you must ask Him. He knows exactly what you need to do in order to make place for His hand. Give God a chance. He cares about you so much. He longs for you to know Him personally. O taste and see that the Lord is so good.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord, thank You that You are a very personal God. I praise You that You are so good. Help us to taste You. We need to. We need to know You. Please reveal to us if there is anything that You would have us do in order to make space for Your loving hand. And Lord, then please give us the faith and strength to do it. You truly are good. Amen.

Today’s Text: Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. (Isaiah 6:8)

Today’s Thoughts: Has the Lord ever called you to do something special for Him? Are you available for Him to call? If He was looking for someone, would you be willing to say, “Here am I; send me”? He wants to use each one of us. He’s simply waiting for us to be available. He knows who will do the task He wants done. As I’ve heard people say many times before, “God is not looking for ability; He is looking for availability. He does not choose the capable; He equips the available.” Are you available?

Today’s Testimony: In May/June 2004 my dad came up to Durban on business and gave my sisters and me each R1000. I was 15 at the time and had never owned so much money before in my life. Seeing I had money at the time, I figured I’d “save it for a rainy day”. I often asked the Lord what He wanted me to do with the money.
Then on the 21st of November that same year, I finished reading a book entitled “In His Steps.” The story was fiction, but it had a powerful message. The book was about a group of people who pledged to not do anything without asking the question, “What would Jesus do?”, and then to do likewise. I had made that same pledge when I started reading the book, but now that I had finished it God had something more in mind.
The Lord said to me, “Lindy, that R1000 in the box behind you, I want you to give it to me. I want you to start a ministry for the poor.” In child-like faith at 16, I gladly pledged all the money to the Lord. That was the start to a ministry that was later called “Praise Corner”. The poor are cornered in poverty, but we can give them a reason to praise. I learnt to truly praise the Lord in all things because of my testimony of Praise Corner. Are you in a corner? Ask the Lord to give you a reason to praise. He might just need to open your eyes.
I did not stop there. I then said, “But Lord, R1000 to feed the poor isn’t going to go very far. If I get R1000 when I go to Cape Town in December, then I’ll give it to You. But if I don’t get R1000, and I get R500, then I’ll give that to You.
The Lord had asked me to do something for Him, and I accepted His calling. My life has never been the same since. I’ll unwrap the rest of the amazing testimony of Praise Corner in some more “Today’s T’s”.

Today’s Task: Today I simply want you to hear the Lord’s voice saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Make yourself available. Say to Him, “Here am I; send me.” Ask Him to help you to make yourself available to Him. Ask Him to equip you for the task. You will never regret it.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I praise You that You have given us the privilege of being used by You. O Lord, help us to make ourselves available for whatever task You may have for us. We want to serve You. We long to do a mighty work for You. I thank you that You will equip us for the task You call us to. Lord here we are; send us. Amen.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Today’s Text: I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. (Psalm 91:2)

Today’s Thoughts: Where do you run when you need to escape from the troubles of life? So many people have nowhere to go and live extremely unhappy lives. Others end their lives because they cannot bear life anymore. Where do you run? I hope you run to God. He can be your refuge from the storms of life. He can be your fortress and protect you from the things that cause you harm. I run to Him. I’ve chosen Him as my refuge, strength and fortress. How about you?

Today’s Testimony: Once when life was getting a bit much for me the Lord took me to Psalm 46. It wasn’t the first time He took me to that portion of Scripture when I needed strength. This is a beautiful passage that speaks about God being our refuge in times of need. I encourage you to read it.
This time when the Lord took me to this passage He inspired me to personalize it. The text speaks about the mountains being carried into the midst of the sea and a few other things that, I don’t know about you, but these things are not problems that I face. So the Lord lead me to draw personal meaning from each portion of this passage. I invite you to compare the Scripture text with my version. I tried to retain the meaning of the original passage, and yet make it more suitable for us today. I believe that the Lord helped me with every word. Here is my personalized version of Psalm 46. I hope it will be a blessing to you as it is to me.

Psalm 46 (Personalized)

God is very present when I am in trouble. He is right there with me. In Him will I take refuge. He will be the source from which I receive my strength.
For this reason, I have no reason to fear, no matter what happens. When everything I trust crumbles beneath my feet; when everything that I thought to be unchangeable changes; when the course of my life seems threatened on every side; when the things I placed hope in are no longer certain – I need not fear, my God is Here. Amen.

But I have the privilege of being able to dwell in the presence of my Lord and to have Him dwell in me even in the midst of turmoil. In His presence I find a calm river and its streams give me peace and joy. God is in the midst of our quiet place together and He will let nothing remove my place of peace and safety. My Lord will not delay to comfort me and strengthen me and give me courage to press on.
My enemies were waiting to attack me; plans were set in place for my destruction. But my God spoke, and all the threats on this earth disappeared or shrank into insignificance. Surely God is with us; the same merciful, miracle working God of the Bible is still right here as our refuge from this world today. Amen.

Come see all the works of the Lord, He has taken away the things that threaten His people time and time again. He has often put an end to their conflict with others. He has destroyed their enemies’ weapons of attack and closed the way for them to harm His children.
O be still, and know that that the Lord is God – He is in control and He can do the impossible. He will be exalted among all those that now hate Him, He will be exalted in the world.
The Lord who has been tasted and proved by so many people is with each one of us; the God who can change us from deceivers into princes and princesses in Christ has His arms open to shelter us from the storms of life. I have chosen Him as my refuge. Amen.

Today’s Task: Run to the Lord as your refuge. He wants to be your strength and comfort as you face life’s trials. Trust Him. He will be there for you and with you – always. You have no need to fear if you invite the Lord to be your refuge and strength.

Today’s Thanks: O Lord I praise You that You are always there for us. I thank You that we can take refuge in You and that You will be our fortress no matter what comes our way. Lord please help us to run to You when we need to escape, for we can only find true peace in You. I thank You that You care about each one of us. Lord be our refuge and our fortress. Amen.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Today’s Text: The LORD will give strength unto his people; the LORD will bless his people with peace. (Psalm 29:11)

Today’s Thoughts: This text doesn’t say that the Lord might give strength and peace; it does not say that He’ll think about it; it says that He “WILL” give strength and peace. It’s not always easy to trust the Lord to provide peace when we are facing problems and stressors. But He wants to bless us with that peace. The only thing that prevents us from receiving God’s peace is our failure to ask for it and then our failure to accept it.We need to believe that God can remove our stress, and then allow Him to do so.

Today’s Testimony: When I tried to send out the previous Today’s T’s I had numerous problems. Satan had an agenda to get me stressed on top of the fact that he already hates this ministry.
My uncle had told me to be sure to send Today’s T’s early in the morning so that he can read them as soon as he gets to work. I always try to send them as soon as possible, but now I will try my best to make sure that they do go out early every morning. I was trying to send them out early, but above the fact that Satan stuck a spanner in the works, I believe God wanted to teach me something.
We received a new lap-top while in Cape Town and I had started typing the previous Today’s T’s on it. It has a newer version of ‘Microsoft Word’and the format was slightly different. I’ve now figured out how to fix that problem easily, but at first I had to go about it the long way.
I’m used to turning Today’s T’s into PDF’s in ‘Open Office’ and the new lap-top doesn’t have that yet, so I put the word document on a flash-stick and did that on the other lap-top. I then somehow managed to save it in the wrong place. I finally found it and then proceeded to get Today’s T’s ready to send. Then I accidently misplaced my contact list and had to search for that.
Somewhere in the middle of all this I had to go for morning family worship. I was hoping to send them out before that. Then I still battled afterwards. Today’s T’s was not ready and waiting for my uncle when he got to work.
During family worship I was stressing. Time was ticking, and I still had problems to sort out. I knew that Today’s T’s wouldn’t be sent early enough. It was then that the Lord reminded me of what I had said in Today’s T’s just the day before: “If you need peace, comfort or strength ask the Lord to provide it, He will.”
The Lord has provided me with peace in the past but I can’t say something that is not true, and that I am not willing to try myself. If I really believe that, I have to prove that it works. So I asked the Lord for peace. He held it out to me, but I then had to accept it. In this case He calmed me down by saying the following: “It doesn’t matter what others require of you. Try your best to please them if it is not against my will, but what ultimately matters is what I require of you. Don’t stress because of people’s expectations whatever they may be, live for Me, and that’s all that really matters.” I accepted God’s peace.
Everything I say about what God can do for each and every one of us I believe with all my heart. I have seen it many times before. But it is far easier to speak from past experience than to put those words into practice when facing a problem. But I don’t expect you to do anything that cannot be done. I have an extremely rough year ahead of me and I will be drawing on God’s peace, comfort and strength continually. Won’t you ask Him for it too?

Today’s Task: No matter what Satan throws your way, allow God to use it for His glory. Ask the Lord to intervene. Ask Him for His peace, comfort and strength. He longs to hold it out to you. And when He does – please accept it. You need it.

Today’s Thanks: Lord I thank You that Your peace, Your comfort and Your strength are always available to us. Please help us to believe that You can give it to us, and please help us to accept it. I thank You that You can turn any situation around for Your names honour and glory. You are good Lord, and I praise You. Amen.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Today’s Text: Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer. (Psalm 4:1)

Today’s Thoughts: God hears prayer. He hears when we call on Him to intervene. The Psalmist had seen the Lord intervene for him before and he did not hesitate to call on Him again. We too can ask the Lord to provide our every need. The more you see His hand, the more you will make use of the privilege to ask the Lord to intervene. He wants you to turn to Him in your time of need. He loves you. He cares about you.

Today’s Testimony: One evening, during the evangelistic campaign that I mentioned two days ago (Today's T's days), my mom asked me to deliver a letter for her seeing she could not attend that night. I had the letter but figured that it would be better to deliver it after the meeting so the gentleman I was to give it to wouldn’t have to look after it the whole evening, seeing he then had to deliver it to his wife who also could not attend.
When the meeting had finished I waited for the perfect opportunity to deliver the letter. He was busy packing up the technical equipment and talking to people so I simply waited my turn – it never came.
Before I could get a chance to deliver the letter, all the helpers were called to make a circle so we could discuss a few matters and then close in prayer.
But of all the people who could land up standing next to me, he was one of them. I was so excited. I figured that as soon as we’d closed in prayer I could hand him the letter. Problem solved.
But the discussion went on for a little bit longer than he could afford to stay for and he excused himself. Now what?! I hadn’t given him the letter.
I then heard him talking downstairs to the ladies at the refreshment table. The Lord brought to my mind the story of a lady named Brenda Walsh who was witnessing to the passenger sitting beside her on a two-hour flight. He was very interested in what she had to say and they needed more time, so she prayed silently asking the Lord to intervene. That two-hour flight turned into a seven-hour witnessing flight.
I then prayed, “Lord if You can delay a flight’s landing, You can delay Uncle Gerrit’s leaving.”
We finished the discussion; had our prayer; and then before I could make a run for it, I was asked if my twin sister and I would sing for one of the evenings. I said that we would and then dashed down-stairs.
He was still talking at the refreshments table. I was able to give him the letter.
Never ever underestimate the power of our God. Having your flight’s landing delayed by five hours might not seem like such a blessing to you, but God can do that if He has a reason. He can do the impossible. He can stall landings, people and all sorts of other things. We just need to ask Him. God hears prayer. He loves to intervene for us in miraculous ways. Trust Him and prepare for blessings.

Today’s Task: If you are in need of a miracle today, whether small or great, take your burden to the Lord, He will hear you. If you need peace, comfort or strength ask the Lord to provide it, He will. Take everything to the Lord in prayer – He cares about you.

Today’s Thanks: Lord I thank You that when we pray, You hear. I thank You that we can take anything and everything to You. Please give us the faith to know that You will grant our petitions. Please help us to trust You so that we know that You will only do what’s best for us. Lord help us to accept Your answers and praise You for them even if they are not what we had hoped for. You always have our best interest at heart. Thank You so much. Amen.